Part 28

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Jimin woke up in Yoongis bed, with the olders arms wrapped securely around him. He felt so warm and so inviting. It made Jimin want to fall right back asleep, but he reluctantly got up, watching as the older male adjusted to hugging a pillow instead.

He smiled at that, his heart feeling warmer than he was used to feeling.

He slowly walked to the kitchen, almost jumping as he saw Areum standing there with a cup of water. "Oh god, Areum! You scared me," He mumbled, chuckling as he saw the girl sheepishly smile.

"Morning Chiminie!" She exclaimed, a little too chirpy for this early in the morning. Jimin smiled, mumbling a morning and sitting down on one of the chairs. "Why are you up this early, Areum?" He asked, glancing at the clock that hung above the door frame into the kitchen, realizing not even he would usually get up at this time.

"I like getting up early! Daddy usually gets up much later than me!" She exclaimed, climbing onto the chair next to Jimin and placing the cup of water on the table. "Yeah?" He asked, a smile on his face as he looked at the enthusiastic girl. "Yeah! Daddy's like a cat! So lazy!" She shouted, giggling as she saw the older male smile as well, her gummy smile on display.

"He does resemble a cat quite a lot, doesn't he," Jimin asked, smiling at the thought. The girl just laughed, nodding. "You know Chiminie, you're very pretty! I see why Daddy likes you a lot," She added, the words causing Jimin to flush a dark shade of red, smiling at the words.

"Y-You're very pretty too Areum-ah. And so is your father, prettiest cat I've ever seen," Jimin snickered, making the girl smile as well.

A few more minutes passed, with the small girl sitting on Jimin's lap, mumbling secrets about her father (ones he probably didn't want him knowing) into his ear. "What! He has a dog?" Areum giggled, her small palm placed over her mouth. "Mhm! I'm sure daddy loves Holly more than me" She pouted, before erupting in giggles with the older. "No, no, I'm sure your father loves you the most in the world, Holly's probably a close second," He smiled, seeing Areum brighten up.


"Of course!" He responded, squeezing the younger's cheeks, causing her to whine out in complaint. "So, Minnie Oppa, are you and daddy dating?" She asked, leaning closer to the boy in anticipation. Jimin was taken back, gasping as the words came into his ears.

"W-What no, we're not dating," He scoffed, reluctantly blushing.

The girl squinted her eyes accusingly, leaning closer to him, causing him to immediately lean his head back. "Hmm... Not yet," She mumbled leaning away from the older and smiling innocently, the older raising his eyebrow in suspicion.

"I feel as if I should be concerned about how close you two are. You're not stealing my little girl are you Jimin?" A raspy voice caught the attention of both Areum and Jimin, Areum immediately jumping off Jimin's lap and running to her father.

"Daddy!" She exclaimed, jumping up into the olders hands, the interaction making Jimin smile. "Don't worry Hyung, she's all yours, right Areum-ah?" Areum immediately nodded, her gummy smile matching the one her father wore as he kissed her forehead.

"What were you two talking about, hm?" Jimin and Areum exchanged looks before shrugging, Areum mumbling out a 'nothing', before looking back at Jimin and snickering.

"Yeah, cause I believe that," He scoffed, placing the girl on the same chair she was before and sending a shy smile to Jimin. Jimin smiled at the older for a second, before looking down shyly.

Areum scoffed, looking at the exchange. Not dating, huh?

"Oppa! I heard you're living with Junhyuk-ah now! We should have a playdate together!"

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