Part 21

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School the past week was amazing for Jimin. No one bothered him and he felt like a normal student for once. He left Yoongi's house, lying to him and saying that his father was worried. He almost laughed out loud when he said that. Firstly, he didn't even have a dad, and secondly, that bastard would never in his life be worried about Jimin. Jimin was quite proud of himself, he managed to survive outside for more than a week now. Although he hated the looks he got from people that walked past him, he was quite thankful that no one he knew found out about his situation.

Jin questioned him but he managed to lie and say that his dad went on a trip with his friends and he was at home. He managed to stay clean by going to cheap motels and staying for just one day and cleaning himself. It wasn't the same, and it was definitely not what he would have expected his life in high school to be like, but it was better than he would've thought before.

Jimin was running out of money. He was doing so fine until we pulled out the last 100 dollar bill from his pocket. He was saving it up, only using 1's, 5's, or 10's when he had to buy something. Saying that he freaked out was an understatement. So here he is, sitting on a park bench, singing his heart out with a small sign, begging for money. 

He was quite disgusted by himself. He really didn't think he would be out here on a park he used to love as a child, begging for money. He never thought that he had a good voice, but there was really nothing else to do. 

No one really stopped to listen. Some gave him sympathetic looks but turned their heads and walked away. He did get some money, but not enough to help him survive the weekend and school tomorrow. He was about to give up when a small boy waddled over to him and started at Jimin with his mouth wide. Jimin smiled, still singing, and ruffled the small boy's hair. 

The boy giggled and sat down next to Jimin on the bench, still listening to Jimin sing. The song finished and the small boy started clapping obnoxiously, giggling while jumping up and down on the bench. 

"Y-You voice is really really good mister! You also really really pretty!" The little boy exclaimed, his eyes wide. Jimin smiled, bending down to pick up his hat on the floor. "Aw, thank you, thats very sweet. You're also very pretty, what's your name?"

"I-I'm Junhyuk, what your name mister?"

"I'm Jimin. Now, where's your parents?" The little boy looked around, scratching his head. "Uhm, mommy, and mama were over there, but then I heard you singing so I came over here. I-I don't k-know where the a-are..."

"Oh, don't worry, we'll find your mommy and mama. Come on, let's go try to find them." Jimin got up, holding his hand out for Junhyuk. The boy took Jimin's hand giddily, jumping off the bench. They started going from place to place in the park, hoping to find the boy's parents. "Junhyuk? Oh my god, Junhyuk!" Jimin turned to see two women running towards them. The taller woman picked the boy into her arms, hands cupping Junhyuk's small face.

"Mommy! I-I was so scared b-but then Jimin Hyung h-helped me." He said, pointing at Jimin. "Oh god, thank you so much, we were so worried." The other woman said, walking towards Jimin and giving him a hug. Jimin was taken back, but the girl's warmth was welcoming enough for him to hug back. 

'Uhm- I-It's no problem really, he just came down and sat next to me, I was worried for him." The girl shook his head, smiling a little. "He's always been like this, I'm so sorry. Well, I'm Song Aera, and thats my wife, Eden, you are?" Aera asked, pulling away from the hug. "Oh, uhm, I'm Park Jimin, nice to meet you." Aera smiled, nodding. 

"I hope this isn't rude, but are you homeless?" Jimin looked down, slowly nodding. "Oh no! Thats horrible, you look so young too! How old are you, love?" Jimin looked back up, scratching his nape. "Uhm well I-I'm 18, but it's okay," he reassured, smiling. "I've been out here for almost 2 weeks, so I-I'm fine."

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