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(Thank you newlevelof_boringfor for tagging me, i love you my Lil Marshmallow <333)

Why did you join Wattpad?

Well, the reason I joined Wattpad is that my sisters always read it and i was i guess curious to know what it was about. They would say how good it is and how much they love the stories there. They wouldn't stop talking about this one specific book called 'After' and I wanted to see what was so good about it. I decided to check it out and found out that you can read anything you want in there. That's when I started to read like books about BTS. I found out that my friends also read these books so asked them what they read and they told me they read like BTS ffs and I decided to give it a shot.

What was your first book, why did you want to write it?

My first book was a book called 'Goodbye' and the reason I wanted to write it was that there was a contest for #PerfectDate and I always loved writing and I was like why not. A few days before, I was talking to my sister about how much I love to write and she was like "why not start on Wattpad then?" and i was like "Bruh, no ones gonna read it..." and then she goes "That's what they all say, and you never know." And just walked away. I think that was the main reason I started to write on Wattpad. I also wanted to let some of my feelings out and I put a lot of feeling into 'Goodbye' and it kind of meant a lot to me.

How has your writing/ what you written about changed since you been here?

My writing really hasn't changed much but i think as the time goes on, I will improve. I only started writing in Wattpad this year so there hasn't really been too much of a difference. But I do think that my writing overall, mostly in like school, have become better and more readable lmao







//// Sorry for being so late in updating the story in general, I ingured my hand recently and its been hurting a lot. I'm also super busy so im reallllyyyy sorry, i love you guys so much tho!!! <3333////


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