Part 40

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Jimin bit his lip nervously as Yoongi fixed his suit, relaxing slightly as Yoongi caressed his cheek, hand trailing down to his lip. "Don't bite your lip baby, you'll be perfectly fine," he whispered, pulling the younger closer and placing a soft kiss onto his lips.

"Breathe sweetheart, last day, okay?" Jimin gulped before nodding, burying his head in Yoongi's chest, the older chuckling before wrapping his arms around the boy.

"Daddy, Papa! Look!" The two immediately turned to the door smiling as they saw Arem dressed in a pretty dress, her hair in two messy pigtails. She ran towards her fathers before jumping onto them, pouting as she wasn't involved in the hug. "Wow, you look absolutely gorgeous baby," Jimin whispered, attempting to fix her hair somehow.

"You look very pretty, darling, let's go fix your hair, okay? We want to look our best for Papa," Yoongi teased, kissing Jimin's cheek before taking the girl out of the room, Jimin smiling as he watched the two leave.


"Bye Papa! Me and daddy will miss you!" Areum yelled as they separated, Jimin going to where his class was and Yoongi going to the crowd. He was told that he couldn't come to sit where the teachers would be placed, but no one ever said he couldn't be where the crowd was. He took a seat next to Jin, who was already crying, despite the ceremony not even starting.

Yoongi stifled a chuckle as Namjoon patted his husband's shoulder, holding back a laugh as he sobbed into his shoulder, mumbling a small 'there, there'.

" Look, daddy! There's papa!" Areum said, pointing at a small figure in the rows and rows of seats. "I can't see love, try waving, and see if he waved back," Yoongi suggested, to which Areum immediately nodded, flailing her hand in the air. To Yoongi's surprise, there was actually a small hand waving as well, Yoongi laughing as Areum pulled at his arm yelling "look its papa!"

The ceremony was pretty boring, Yoongi's eyes just focused on Jimin the whole time, laughing as Jin cried next to him. Aera and Eden got to come later on too, rushing to their seats with Junhyuk, who eagerly sat next to Areum, whispering and laughing about their own things.

It ended soon, considering how slow it started, but Yoongi was just glad to have Jimin back in his arms, ignoring all the looks they got from others. It genuinely made the older happy to see that Jimin didn't care, instead laughing with Taehyung, Jungkook, and Jungkooks little sister, focusing on himself for once.

"I know Hyung, we'll see each other tomorrow, don't cry," Jimin mumbled to Jin, who wiped his dried-up tears and let go of the younger. Yoongi chuckled and pulled Jimin to his side, Areum gripping at Jimin's hand while looking at his pretty rings.

"Well, we're going to go, I'll see you guys tomorrow," Yoongi said, smiling as Junhyuk ran over to them, squeezing them in a tight hug before running back to his parents, waving bye to the three. "You guys will be there too, right?" Yoongi asked Taehyung, who nodded happily, arm draped over Jungkook's shoulder.

After some more goodbyes, Jimin bidding goodbyes to some teachers he liked, the three drove off, both Areum and Yoongi teasing Jimin about how they had a surprise to show him.

"I feel like I should be scared," Jimin mumbled, eyesight covered by Yoongi's hands, Areum dragging him inside what seemed to be the house.

"Annnnnd done! Gimme one-second daddy!" Areum yelled, letting go of Jimin's hand and running off somewhere, "What did you plan now, Hyung..?" Jimin whispered, slightly leaning back against Yoongi. "You'll see baby," He whispered, seeing Areum rush back. "Okay, daddy! Papa can open his eyes now," She said enthusiastically, practically bouncing as Yoongi finally pulled his hands off, Jimin peeling his eyes open slowly.

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