Part 39

100 10 3

///This song is just beautiful////


"Thank you so much, Hyung, we'll try to come back as soon as possible. Behave okay, Areum? Be a good girl, we'll see you soon," Yoongi said, pulling the girl into a tight hug. Areum nodded rapidly, wrapping her small arms around her father, before running to Jimin.

"Bye, Papa! I'll see you soon!" She exclaimed, waving bye as she watched her fathers go off.

"I-I'm scared," Jimin whispered as they got into the car, his knee bouncing up and down as he chewed on his bottom lip.

"Nothing to be scared about, okay? I'll be right there next to you," Yoongi reassured, hand tightening around Jimin's thigh. The younger nodded, breathing deeply before gripping Yoongi's hand. 

They got to the police station soon after, Yoongi's friend's house being close to the station.

"Breathe, baby, I'm right here, okay?"

Jimin nodded slowly as Yoongi grabbed his hand, the two walking into the station.

"Mr.Park? Changed your mind?" The same lady front he phone call, Ms. Hua, asked, smiling as she handed some forms to the boy. "Y-Yeah, last-minute decision," He whispered, reluctantly removing his grip on Yoongi's hand to read the papers and sign it.

"There will be a glass between you two, but your boyfriend will probably have to stay outside," The woman said, glancing down at their intertwined fingers.

Jimin felt his throat dry up at the thought of not having Yoongi there, gulping before looking up at the boy. "You got this, okay? I'll be right here waiting for you," Yoongi whispered, caressing the boy's hand.

Jimin nodded softly, letting out a shaky breath before letting go of the male's hand, following the women into a separate room, many people sitting in front of cellmates, a glass window being the only thing separating them. Some were yelling, others crying as they tried to lean into the glass, almost as if they could jump in if they tried hard enough.

"Desk 8, if anything happens, there's a red button underneath the desk, someone will immediately come over," Jimin nodded softly, gulping as he scratched at his finger, a habit he did when he was nervous.

The boy walked slowly to the booth, the noises around him distant as he got closer and closer to his booth. He sighed before finally reaching there, putting on a different face and sitting down, clenching his jaw to stop himself from sobbing at the man in front of him.

He looked completely different, face covered in black and yellow bruises. There were dark purple bags hanging under his eyes, eyes droopy as he glanced up at Jimin. The old man smiled, teeth a dark yellow color as he looked up Jimin.

"Y-You came!" The loud voice almost made Jimin jump, but instead bit the inside of his cheek, rolling his eyes. "Why'd you want me," Jimin asked, voice cold and dark, so dark even he couldn't recognize himself.

"C-Can I not see my son?" The man whispered, slightly nervous as he saw the dark gaze he was getting.

"Son?" Jimin scoffed, laughing desolately, rolling his eyes. "I'm not your fucking son, just tell me what the fuck you want," Jimin growled, his hand clenching into a fist. "Don't speak to me like that, boy," The male snarled, lips curving downward to a cynical frown. Jimin tries to stop himself from flinching, scoffing softly before folding his arms over his chest.

"You have no power over me anymore, don't you dare fucking try to scare me, you don't anymore. You're not my father anymore, you have no power over me. I don't know why the fuck you called me and I don't care anymore, I'm leaving, I hope you fucking suffer in this hellhole," Jimin rumbled, the whole station going silent for a second before returning to their own conversation, Jimin pushing the chair and getting up to leave.

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