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(11 years later)

"Papa can you call Dad please, he's taking so long!" Areum complained, fixing her hair in the mirror. "Papa I dunno how to button this right!" Hyunwoo, their almost six-year-old complained, his vest buttoned all wrong. Jimin chuckled before pulling the boy up into his arms, removing the buttons and doing them again. Yoongi did happen to pop the question 5 years later, they had been married for 6 years, adopting Hyunwoo a year after their marriage. They went to America to legally get married but adopting Hyunwoo in Korea a few months before Areums 13th birthday.

"Noona! Don't I look handsome? Aren't you afraid I'll steal your girlfriend?" Hyunwoo teased, running around his sister. "Papa if I kick Hyunwoo in the face, don't yell at me," She grumbled, chasing the boy as he ran away. Jimin smiled as Areum jumped on the boy, pulling him up and spinning him in her arms. "Papa, dad?" Areum reminded, still not putting Hyunwoo down, despite the boy wriggling in her arms.

"He's probably crying again, I'll go get him," Jimin laughed, about to head up the stairs but was stopped when he saw Yoongi coming down, smiling softly as he saw how amazing his husband looked.

"Done crying, baby?" Jimin teased, wrapping his hands around Yoongi, who scoffed playfully before hugging the male, placing a soft kiss on Jimin's lips. Jimin immediately kissed back, moving his hands from Yoongi's waist to his neck, leaning up in the slightest. Jimin smiled into the kiss as he felt Yoongi nibble at his bottom lip, reluctantly pulling away.

"Ewww, Noona, make it stop!" Hyunwoo complained, closing his eyes before grimacing. Areum chuckled, putting her brother on the floor before shuffling her jacket on. "We're gonna be late, kiss later," She complained, despite secretly cooing at how adorable her fathers were."Sorry darling," Jimin chuckled, pushing Yoongi to the door, "let's go," Jimin said, groaning at how Yoongi stayed put in the same place.


"Okay, Papa, don't say anything embarrassing, and Dad, please don't cause a scene. Hyunwoo, just stay quiet the whole night and everything'll be okay," Hyunwoo stuck his tongue out playfully, singing obnoxiously loud to simply annoy Areum. "Dad! Get him to stop, god!" She complained, smacking the boy's shoulder "Baby, she doesn't even call me daddy anymore," Yoongi complained, dramatically wiping his fake tears. "Oh god, dad, I'm eighteen!" Areum mumbled, chuckling slightly. "Daddy! Areum just hit me! I say you ground her!" Hyunwoo said happily, smiling at his father.

"Both of you, quiet," Jimin growled, both kids going quiet at their father's voice, knowing not to mess with him when he's mad. "Hyunwoo, behave tonight, alright?" Hyunwoo let out a breath before nodding slowly. "I guess I can," He mumbled, pouting.

"I'll make sure your dad doesn't do anything stupid, now let's go meet the special girl who stole your heart," Jimin said to Areum, chuckling as he saw her cheeks turn a bright red, trying to push it off as she fixed her hair. "Darling, your hair looks amazing, you look beautiful okay? Don't be so nervous, Areum, it's all jokes okay? I'm just excited to meet the girl you've been talking about," Yoongi whispered, pulling Areums hands off her hair and fixing it for her instead, Areum smiling gratefully.

"I know daddy, thank you, I'm excited for you guys to meet," She mumbled, ears burning red.

"We're excited to meet her too, darling," Jimin added, smiling softly at the girl.

"Hyunwoo, she's really excited to meet you, so just be nice," She mumbled, cooing slightly as her brother smiled brightly, clinging onto her leg.

The family walked inside the restaurant, Areum visibly nervous as she looked for her girlfriend. "Areum!" A voice yelled, Areum immediately smiling as she rushed over. "Unnie! She exclaimed, throwing her hands around the taller girl's neck. "Hey, bub," She whispered sweetly, Jimin glancing up at Yoongi, squeezing his hand. Yoongi took Hyunwoo's hand into his own, noticing how the boy kept glancing around everywhere, already knowing that if he were to let go, Hyunwoo would probably be gone.

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