Part 5

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~Since Part 4 was short, I decided to update Part 5 earlier, hope you guys enjoy~

(Jimin's POV)

"Ok Jimin, do you want to go on a date with me?"

I was confused, utterly confused. My eyes widened, as I asked him if he was talking to me. When he showed his gummy smile and said yes, I couldn't refuse. "W-when should we m-meet up H-hyung?'' Ugh, can't I say one fucking thing without stuttering!? He just asked me out and is already probably annoyed! 

"This Saturday works, right?''

I nodded, excited for the week ahead of me.

"For now is there anything you would like to eat? I'll go order it." I could hear my stomach grumble at the thought of any type of food. I push the thought of food out of my head and shake my head no. "Are you sure, wouldn't you get hungry?'' My heart flutters, as nobody ever bothered to give two shits about me. I smile slightly and nod. "If you say so..." He gets up, leaving me with just my thoughts.

Why was he acting like that? Why would he even ask out a fat pig like me..? He was probably forced to ask me, from like Joonie Hyung or Jinnie. Stop thinking too much about this Jimin, you're not special, listen to what father always says, why would he lie to you right? 

I was snapped out of my thoughts as I smelled a strong scent of Jin Hyung's delicious food.

I was snapped out of my thoughts as I smelled a strong scent of Jin Hyung's delicious food

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I try hard to stop myself from drooling. The sausage still sizzled, indicating that it just got cooked. I mentally slap myself for staring at the food for too long. I hear a loud rumble from my stomach and quickly look up to see if Yoongi heard it too. I let out a relieved sigh as I realized that he was looking away to the kitchen and not paying too much attention to me. "Go ahead." He says, not even bothering to look at me. I tilt my head, confused. "Eat, I know you're hungry.'' I licked my lips, looking at the food and back at him. 

"H-Hyung, I told you already, I'm not h-hungry..." I look at him, trying to look convincing. "I don't want to e-eat your f-food that you already paid f-for.'' he smiled, still looking into the kitchen. "Jiminie, it's obvious that you're hungry. I don't need to hear your stomach rumble in order to know that.'' My jaw dropped, as a dark shade of red covered my entire face, making me as red as a tomato. "H-Hyung!" He chuckled and got up. "Where are you going Hyung?''

"To get my breakfast.''

He came back with a plate identical to the one he got me and pointed at mine. "Start eating, I don't want you to starve,"

But what if I want to starve..?

"O-ok Hyung..."

I take the delicious looking plate closer to my face. As good as it looked, I felt nauseous from just looking at it. I gulp, trying hard not to throw up.

Come on Jimin! There's a really hot guy in front of you! Don't be a pussy and mess this up! I take the initiative, and slowly put the fork inside my mouth, immediately gagging. "Jimin! Are you ok!?'' I nod, smiling slightly. "I'm fine, the fork just hit the back of my throat.'' He nods, going back to eating his meal. I swallow the food, slowly remembering how food really tasted. 

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