Part 22

148 13 20

///Go watch Spring ijsksk I love MCND they so talented for rookies and so adorable uwuwuw////

Jimin's eyes widened in shock, his jaw-dropping in awe. "Oh wow, really? Well now that you say it, I kind of do see the similarities..." He mumbled, looking at Aera. "I didn't think that he'd ever break. He always had this ego and said that he would never date or get married." Jimin chuckled, Yoongi was so sweet to him, it was hard to believe that he didn't want to get married or date.

"Really? He's really sweet, I wouldn't think that he didn't want to date or get married." Aera nodded, her face showing that he was surprised. "Wow, I saw Yoongi a few days ago actually, he is quite different than he was in high school. When he was in high school, he was basically a fuckboy. It was quite satisfying to see him grow, actually. He was really cringey before the last year of high school. In the last year of high school, he really changed, he started getting good friends and was actually smart enough to skip a year in college, he immediately went to his second year in college."

Jimin's eyes widened, he knew that Yoongi was smart, but he didn't think that he had skipped a year in college. "So, how did he ask you out?"

"My hyungs own a cafe and Yoongi happened to drop by one day. He sat down with me, ordered me breakfast and then asked me if I wanted to go out with him one day. I mean I obviously said yes, and then a week ago, we met up near a park and went to a dog cafe. It was really fun and he's so sweet, I just don't know why he would ask me out."

"Jimin are you serious! Have you seen yourself!? I mean even a 5-year-old thinks you pretty and wants to date you! You're so sweet and super cute! Why wouldn't Yoongi ask you out?" Jimin blushed, flustered at how sweet Aera was. "N-No, I mean I-I'm so fat and there are so many people out there that are way better looking than me so I don't know why out of everyone, he would choose me..." Jimin mumbled, dragging out the way.

Aera scoffed, crossing her hands over her chest. "God you better not be serious! Don't be so mean to yourself love, you're amazing." Jimin smiled shyly, rubbing his nape. "Th-Thanks Noona, thats v-very sweet of you..."

Aera pinched the younger's cheeks, cooing. "You're so cute, Jimin. I can see why Yoongi and Junhyuk likes you, you're adorable." Jimin looked down, smiling. "Th-Thank you, Noona..." The two turned around as they heard someone coming down the stairs.

"Finally put Junhyuk to sleep, he really wanted to sleep with you Jimin," She said, chuckling. Jimin smiled, "I could've slept with him, I don't mind," Eden shook her head no, sitting next to her wife. "No, no, Junhyuk would definitely not sleep if you were there, he'd be too excited to fall asleep." Aera chuckled, agreeing."Oh god, thats so true, the last time someone came over to sleep with him, I found the two laughing and talking on his bed at 3 in the morning!" She exclaimed, shaking her head.

Jimin nodded, letting out a small yawn. He immediately covered his mouth, embarrassment taking over him. "S-Sorry..." He mumbled, bowing his head down. "Oh god, why would you be sorry? It's almost 10 anyways, you should sleep, you have college tomorrow right?" Jimin nodded, hands resting on his knees.

"You should sleep Jimin, I'll wake you up and take you to college." Jimin shook his head, waving his hand dismissively. "I-I can take the bus, it's okay, don't waste your time dropping me off." He mumbled, eyes still on the grey floor. "Oh, no, it's okay, its not a waste of time for me. I can drop you off tomorrow, it's cold, you shouldn't walk out in the cold like that.

Jimin nodded, mumbling a thank you under his breath. "Okay, well you can go upstairs now, there should be a new toothbrush in the cabinet in your bathroom. We can go shopping after your classes finish tomorrow, okay?" Jimin didn't bother saying no, knowing that the two would tell him to stop and say that they're going to take him either way, and nodded.

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