Part 35

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"You love him, don't you?" Jin whispered, instinctively getting closer to the younger, making sure no one else heard. Jimin gulped, of course Jin would be able to figure it out, Jin always did.

"Yeah... I can lie to you, you know that," he whispered back, immediately looking back at the kitchen, sighing as he saw Yoongi still sitting in the same spot, except with Areum now running around the kitchen with Namjoon, Yoongi just staring at her daughter.

"He loves you too, you know? I can see it, he's so in love with you Jimin," Jin said, looking straight into Jimin's eyes, showing how serious he really was.

"I can only hope..." he muttered lowly, sighing softly as he laid his head against the counter.

"Areum seriously loves you too, Jimin. She never had anyone but Yoongi in her life, but I know for a fact you'd do amazing,"

Jimin found himself smiling, a light blush on his face as he thought back to when Areum asked him to be her father.

"I feel amazing, you okay? I never thought I could be this happy, Jin..." he whispered, and although the sentence itself was sweet, Jin noticed how Jimin's voice wavered.

"What's the matter Jimin-ah?" He asked, noticing how the boys mood immediately went down.

"I'm so happy, Jin, I'm unbelievably happy... and because of that, there's a part of me wondering when will it all end, you know? I've never been this happy and it scares me so much, Jin." He whispered shakily, burying his head in his hands.

"Oh Jimin... there's bound to be some difficulties in the future, you talk as if Namjoon and Ive never fought before. What really matters in communication, okay? One, don't assume everything, what you saw and what happened could be two different things. Two, communication is extremely important, okay?"

Jimin listened carefully before nodding, repeating the words inside his head to remember them.

"That's all I have to say, everything else is up to you, and I trust that both you and Yoongi will get through everything together." Jin said, smiling at the younger.

"I love you so much Hyung," Jimin whimpered, bottom lip quivering as he latched himself onto Jin, head tucked into Jin's broad shoulder.

"Aw Jiminie, I love you more, you're my best friend, don't forget that. I know I sometimes act like a parent figure but just know that I'm your best friend in the end, okay?" He whispered, rightly wrapping his arms around Jimin.

Jimin smiled softly as he nodded, pulling away from the hug, a huge weight lifted off his shoulders as he walked into the kitchen.

"Hi Hyung," Jimin said, laughing softly as Namjoon came over for a hug. "Jiminie you haven't been here in so long!" Namjoon cried, hugging the male tighter.

"I know Hyung, I'm sorry," he whispered, finally managing to get the male off of him.

"I'm blaming Yoongi for this, always keeping Jimin to yourself," he tutted, scowling at Yoongi, who just laughed and shrugged.

"Can you blame me, Joon-ah?"

Namjoon rolled his eyes before picking Areum up and running away, yelling something along the lines of  "if you can steal Jimin I can steal Areum-ah!"

Yoongi chuckled, watching as they ran away, then looking back up and Jimin.

"I saw you and Jin Hyung talk, is everything okay?" Yoongi asked, pulling the younger close to him, his arms wrapped around Jimin's waist and Jimin's hands on top of his shoulders.

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