Part 6

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////~Hey guys, I'm really not good at writing scenes like the one that will be happening in this part. Please don't judge it, but don't hesitate to leave comments! Thank you for reading!! <3~////

I fall on the floor, whimpering, as Chanyeol, Baekhyun, and Suho stepped closer to me. "P-Please, n-not today..."

Chanyeol bends down, picking me up from my collar. "Now that wouldn't be fun for us, now would it fatty?''I shook my head slowly and choked, as his grip around my neck tightened. I felt a blow to my face, as I get thrown across the school hall. My vision blurring as tears startef dripping down my eyes onto my cheeks. I try to blink them away as I see Baekhyun and Suho walking toward me. I move back, wincing from the pain Chanyeol caused. "I-I'm sorry for w-whatever I-I did..." I choke on my words as I felt the back of the wall, having nowhere to go. I close my eyes in pain as I feel a hand grip my hair.

"You better fucking be sorry, you faggot!" I feel his knee press against my stomach. I scream from pain, causing Suho to punch my face. they let go of me and walk away casually. I slump down on the wall, trying to get up. I pick up my phone, dialing Jungkook. I shouldn't...  I think right before pressing the call button. It'll only be a burden to Jungkook, don't be stupid Jimin, He's the only friend you have. Do you want to lose him too? I push the thought of ever losing Jungkook out of my mind and slowly try to get up.

Being too weak to get up, I slowly crawl to the bathroom. Using the bathroom sink as a help; I get up, looking at myself in the mirror. I look at the fresh bruises on my body and cry. Why am I this ugly, why can't I be just like everyone else... Why wasn't I the one that died that day instead of my mother? I wash my face and the blood that was starting to dry on my skin. I look at myself in the mirror one more time and smile. Don't cry like a pussy Jimin, everyone will think that you are weak. My stomach grumbled just as the bell rang. I realized that the lunch period was over. Thank god I don't have those three in my class next period. I take a deep breath and walk out of the bathroom.

 I smile as I see one of my teachers. Don't cry ....., It doesn't hurt. Everything will soon be over. Just smile and wave, just smile and wave... I walk into the class spotting ........ on his sketching pad. I smile, trying to cover the pain. "H-Hey Jungkook" He looks up, startled and smiles. "Hey, Jimin, where were you, I was all alone at lunch..." I laugh slightly, scratching my neck. "Nowhere really, I decided to eat lunch somewhere else." He nodded, going back to his drawing. 

"What are you drawing now?" I sit down on my seat, looking at his book. He looks away, blushing. "I was drawing an angel before, so now I'm drawing a devil..." He mumbles. I smile, ruffling his hair. "You can draw really well Jungkook, you should try going to the competition that's being held at the school." He shrugged going back to the drawing. 

 "Did you hear, we're having a sub for music class!!

The slut of the school came into the class squealing. All the boys looked at her like lovesick puppies. "I heard he's really hot! I can't wait for the music class!" She talks to Joy and Seulgi, ranting about how sexy he was and how she was going to die. I roll my eyes and look back at the book I was reading. The teacher came into the scene of most of the girls in the class squealing. He immediately realizes that Irene is the one who started it. "Irene! Stop this nonsense, sit down!" She had a cynical grin on her face. She pouted, and all the boys stared at awe. Even I had to agree, she was one of the most beautiful girls, if not the most, in the school. "But sir," She said, while still poting "That's not what you said when we had detention last night..." She looked directly at the teacher's eyes, as he turned a bright shade of red.

"G-Go to the principles office now!" 

He pointed at the door, and she started walking to the door, swaying her hips as she walked. "See you later sir~" 

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