Part 10

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"So, what with you and the new kid?" 

He chocked on his apple and looked at me, eyes widened. "W-What!? I just smirked, taking a sip of my water. "Don't think I didn't see you staring at him the whole period. You're not slick Jungkook." He looked down turning red.

"W-Well, what with y-you and Mr. Min, huh?! 

I was now my turn to turn red. I looked down, blushing. I wanted to tell someone, but at the same time, I wondered if Jungkook was the right person to tell.

"I'll tell you whats with me and Mr. Min if you tell me what's with you and Taehyung."

He nodded, taking another bite of his apple and starting to talk.

(Jungkook's POV)

I sighed, not sure how he's going to take the story. 

"It's a pretty weird story, Hyung, you have to promise not to judge me..." He nodded, waiting for me to say the story.

"So, it all started when I needed a job. My mother left me and Joo-Eun, my sister, a note, saying that we had to get some money. We needed to get it fast so I thought of jobs that paid a lot of money and the only one I could think of and find was a stripping job at this bar." 

I looked down, mumbling the last part. I slowly looked up, wondering what Jimin's reaction would be. His eyes were widened and his jaw was dropped. I blushed, wondering if I made the right decision by telling him. 

"JUNGKOOK! ARE YOU KIDDING!?" I shook my head no, waiting for him to continue screaming at me.  I heard him sigh, causing me to look up. "Alright... Continue..." I looked at him, confused why he didn't lash out on me 

"Oh, ok... So, after dance classes, I went to the store to get some food and I didn't have enough money to buy the milk." I looked down embarrassed, remembering the story. "There was this guy behind me that handed me this $100 bill, paying for the milk. When I went to the bar, the same man that gave me the money ended up being the owner of the bar." 

I looked at Jimin, wondering what he could be thinking.

"And this man ended up being Taehyung, the new kid in our class..." 

"Wow..." He said I chuckled, wondering what else he would say. "Anything else you need to tell me Jungkook?" I smiled, apologizing to Jimin for hiding it from him.

"Well, after going to get the job, he dropped me off in his fucking Lamborghini close to my house. Basically, I almost got raped, and he saved me..." I looked down, embarrassed as ever. "WHAT!? OH GOD JUNGKOOK, ARE YOU OKAY!?" I chuckled, nodding.

He sighed, mumbling a 'thank god'. Then he looked back at me, smirking, I looked back at him with an annoyed look. "Jimin... It's really not what you-"

"OH MY GOD! YOU TWO ARE SO CUTE! IT'S LIKE FATE OR DESTINY!" I rolled my eyes as he jumped around, babbling about how Taehyung and I were meant for each other. I blushed slightly, wondering if it really was fate.

"Stop it! Now, back to you..." He stopped jumping and looked down, blushing. "So, you and Mr. Min. What's that about?"

(Jimin's POV)

I sighed. I was hoping that my babbling about him and the new kid would make him forget what he wanted to know. I rubbed my neck, knowing I had to tell him. "Well... It all started on a day I was at Jin and Namjoon Hyung's cafe." I tell him the whole story about him asking me out on a date and how it happened to be tomorrow. His eyes widened as I continued on with the story. 

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