Part 17

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///Ego fucking killed me like what a fucking bop! I'm so excited for the album ahhhh!!! Enjoy this chapter( even though it's so shitty) and stream Ego////

"Uhm Hyung..?"

Yoongi looked at Jimin, smiling. "I-I wanted to say uhm th-thank you for this, I-I really appreciate it..." Jimin immediately blushed, feeling shy and looked down. Yoongi stopped in his tracks, stopping Jimin as well. He grabbed Jimin's tiny hands in his, making Jimin look up at him.

"It's me who should be thanking you for coming with me, not the other way around." Jimin smiled and looked down, not sure what to say.

Yoongi noticed this and started walking again, not letting go of Jimin's hand. "I don't know if you ever heard before, but every year, there's this special event in Daegu. This year, it's next Wednesday, I-I was wondering if you wanted to come... with m-me..?

"Oh uh I never heard of that before, b-but I would love to come!"

Yoongi smiled again, satisfied "Great, uh just wait for me after you're last class ends, okay?" Jimin nodded, trying to hide his joy. They talked a bit more, laughing at nothing in particular and started getting closer and closer to the cafe.

"You're telling me you never had Taco's before!?" Jimin shook his head no and smiled. "At least I had mousse before unlike someone over here." Yoongi rolled his eyes playfully and smiled. "Well, I bet tacos are WAY better than mouse of whatever its called."

"Its pronounced mOOse! Get it right Hyung!" 

"Says the one who said 'tOcAs wHaTs tHaT!?' first!" 

Jimin blushed and laughed along, hoping this day would never end. They kept talking and going rounds and rounds around the park, not thinking for a second that it's getting late. The pair finally sat down, tired after all the walking. Jimin looked up at the sky, immediately feeling joy once he saw that the sun was setting. 

"Look Hyung, look!," He said, pointing upwards at the sky. "Isn't the view so pretty?" he asked, eyes sparkling. Yoongi smiled, looking at Jimin. "Yeah... It's gorgeous..." Jimin turned to the side to look at Yoongi, only to find Yoongi looking right back at him. His eyes widened as he blushed a bright shade of red. 

"We should probably get going, seeing that its sunset, it's probably late..." Yoongi said, scratching the back of his head. Jimin took out his phone, eyes going wide as he saw that its already 6 pm. "Oh, shi-shoot! It's really late!" Yoongi chuckled, nodding in agreement.

The two soon arrived close to Jin's cafe, remembering to not be so close since they didn't want to get caught. "Well, uh I guess this is your stop..." Jimin smiled sadly, wanting to stay with Yoongi even longer. "Like I said before, I really enjoyed this, I-I can't want for uh W-Wednesday..." Jimin replied, trying not to blush harder than he already was. 

"Thank you for everything today, Yoongi Hyung, I'll see you on Monday." 

Jimin smiled and quickly pecked Yoongi's cheek, catching him off guard. Yoongi's eyes widened as he saw Jimin run away (run away, run away, run away with me~)and inside the cafe. Yoongi chuckled, walking away with the biggest smile on his face. 

(Jimin's POV)

I quickly run inside the cafe, trying to not grab attention from the customers. I put my hands up to my heart only to feel it pounding heavily. I sighed and walked into the kitchen, trying to find Namjoon or Jin Hyung. I smile, seeing Namjoon Hyung kiss Jin Hyung's forehead and caress his cheek. I couldn't help but feel jealous, wanting a relationship like their's, or a relationship in general. 

Namjoon Hyung turns around, getting slightly started by me. "O-Oh Jimin! I'm sorry, I didn't notice you come back!" Jin keeps up from behind Namjoon and smiles, walking towards me. "Wow Jimin, you look great! I'm guessing Hobi helped you shop right?" I nodded, smiling. 

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