Part 23

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///// Sis, this man ^ stole my fucking heart JHDJSJSKJ istg i love anyone with a dimple smh thats my only weakness ( except my 37 kpop people smh) So my dumbass forgot I already used Rose in this, let's imagine Rose is someone else? Chaeyoung is the Blackpink Chaeyoung and Rose is someone else? lmao, I'm not okay smndhjsks. I hope yall enjoy, don't mind the really fucking cringey making out scene aHa I've never made out with anyone and it shows :), enjoy this shit! Wait, i don't think thats possible... Oh well, thank you for reading, i love u alll ////

"B-Brother? What do you mean? I've always been an only child..." Chaeyoung, smiled, hands gripping the straps of her bookbag. "Well, we have the same father, different mothers..." She mumbled, looking down. Jimin gasped, his mouth open as he looked her up and down. "B-But you don't look much younger than m-"

"Thats because I'm not, I'm only one year younger than you," She whispered. Jimin gasped again, his small hand covering his mouth. "Th-Then my father cheated while she was still alive..?" He mumbled to himself, too inaudible for Chaeyoung to hear. "Uhm, is Park Doyoon your father? All I know is his name, he left me and my mom back in Australia."

Jimin couldn't believe it, all until his mother passed, he loved his father. He was amazing, and Jimin couldn't be more thankful to have someone like him, and then a girl comes out of nowhere, telling Jimin that the man he used to look up to and love was cheating this whole time?!

"Uhm- Jimin?" Jimin jumped out of his thoughts, blinking. "Oh- uh, sorry, y-yes, Park Doyoon was my father, I-I can't believe this..."

"I-I'm sorry Jimin, I-I didn't want to tell you like this, I just didn't know who to go to and talk to... M-My mothers dying, and y-you're really all we have left, p-please." Jimin looked down at the girl, who was already in tears, and sighed. "Hey, s-stop crying, I'm right here, I'll do everything I can. I-I can't really do much, h-he left to Busan, I was homeless until yesterday and I don't really have money Chaeyoung, I-I'm sorry,"

Chaeyoung didn't seem like she was breathing for a second, until she finally let out a sigh, her hand raking through her rose hair. "I-I understand, d-do you think you can still show me around?" She asked shyly, laughing in between her words. Jimin giggled, nodding.

They were almost done with the tour and Jimin was finally taking her to her class which started only a few minutes ago. He was quite glad to not go back to his class, he quite hated classes when Jungkook wasn't there. "Oh, Chaeyoung, my friends own a cafe, they don't really have workers so I'm sure they could take you in if you want?" Chaeyoung smiled, flashing Jimin an adorable smile "Oh my god, Jimin! I would love that! Thank you! Where is it and when can I go?"

Jimin smiled, happy to see her happy, he did always want a sibling when he was younger. "I'm actually going today after school, we can meet up at the gate and go there. Also, I hope you're not homophobic, they're married," Jimin mumbled, feeling uncomfortable to even think that his sister was homophobic. Chaeyoung chuckled, shaking her head, "I'm not, I'm actually bi," Jimin smiled, definitely not expecting that. "Oh wow, I didn't expect that, seems like the who family's gay, huh?" He said, chuckling.

The smaller girl chuckled, nodding, "Seems like it, well, I have to go Jimin, I'll see you later?" Jimin nodded, waving bye to the girl. "Oh also, uhm- thank you for everything, I didn't expect you to be so nice to me knowing that I was a result of your father cheating. I really appreciate it..." She mumbled, tucking a strand of her pink hair behind her ear. Jimin smiled shaking her head.

"I wouldn't expect anything more from that fucker, its nothing, you are my sister after all," Chaeyoung smiled, bidding Jimin bye and walking into the class. He took out his phone, checking the time, and sighed in relief. He had a free period and then he had Yoongi's class. Jimin unconsciously smiled thinking about the older and shoved his phone back into his bag, not really sure where to go.

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