Part 33

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//////oops it's been 85 years—//////////////

Jimin hated being weak, it was the worst feeling ever, mostly when he couldn't do anything about it.

There was a peaceful silence as he laid still on the roof of the school, yes, his body hurt like a bitch, but not moving helped quite a lot.

Chanyeol's other friends found out about his suspension, and of course, Jimin was the one to get blamed and beaten for it.

He was dragged up to the roof, blindfolded by some people, and beaten till he just couldn't get up again.

That's how he got here, just laying on the floor while looking up into the sky, his body too worn out to even attempt to move away.


Jimin almost jumped when he heard a familiar voice, his neck straining to look back to see that it was Jungkook, his eyes wide as he looked down at Jimin. "Oh, hey Jungkook-ah, how are you?"

"W-What happened to you, Hyung?" He questioned, eyebrows furrowed as he squatted down to look at Jimin.

"Don't worry too much Jungkookie, I-I'm okay," he mumbled, forcing himself to hold back a whimper of pain as he forced himself up, leaning against the brick wall.

"Hyung, where have you been? I've barely seen you these days," Jungoook asked, his lips curving downward into a small frown.

"I'm sorry Jungkook, I have been distant, haven't I?"

Jungkook sighed, "it's not that, I understand, I just wish I knew why, everything is okay right?

Jimin smiled, ruffling the boy's head before nodding. "It is, aim sorry for not telling you anything. How have you been Jungkook? How's everything with Taehyung?"

Jimin chuckled to himself when he saw a light shade of pink brushing over the younger's cheeks as he looked down.

"We started dating a month ago," he mumbled shyly, glancing up at Jimin to see his reaction. "What?! That's amazing! What happened?"

"Well, I kind of avoided him for a month or two and I just felt like i was being too extra, so I confessed to him, and apparently he liked me too!"

The younger exclaimed, his eyes scrunching up as he smiled up at the older.

"I told you he liked you, Jungkook-ah," Jimin said, smirking. "Yeah, yeah whatever, what happened to you and Mr. Min, hm?"

Jimin glanced around the room, making sure that there was no one there, before leaning closer to Jungkook, "We've been dating for four months," he whispered, blushing as he saw the look on Jungkooks face.

"What?! 4 months?!" He yelled, earning a slap from Jimin, yelling at him to be quiet. "Shut up!" He whispered yelled, glancing around the room cautiously.

"Oh my god four months!" Jungkook whispered, his mouth hung wide open. "Y-Yeah, I'm sorry I didn't tell you," he mumbled,

Jungkook clicked his tongue, "oh come one Jimin, we've been busy okay? It's alright, I'm glad you told me now at least,"

Jungkook reassured, patting Jimin's back slowly. "Yeah... but we should for sure catch up soon,"

"Hmm yeah! How about this weekend, Jin Hyungs cafe?"

Jimin smiled before nodding, hugging the younger as he helped him get up. "How do you feel?" He shrugged, yes it hurt, but he was almost too used to it. "I'm alright Kook, don't worry too much about me, okay?" Jungkook reluctantly nodded, waving bye to the other male as he left the rooftop.

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