Part 8

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//Sorry for not updating in a while! I hope you enjoy reading this!🖤//

"J-Jungkook..?" He looks up, startled. He squints his eyes, trying to figure out whose in front of him.

"J-Jimin. H-hey..."

"Jungkook, what happened?" I close the door, sitting down in the tight space with him. "N-nothing Jimin, we should both go to class." He tries to get up and reach for the door but I close it and pull him down to my arms. He curls into a ball on my lap, crying his eyes out. 

"I-I'm so s-sorry. I'm t-too w-weak..."

"Shh, it's okay to cry, Kook... You're not weak, you never were you and never will be."

I slowly rub his back, hoping he would calm down. 

"Kook, can you tell me who made you cry like this?" He sniffles looking up at me. his big doe eyes look up at mine as he shakes his head no. I nod, understanding. 

"S-Sorry, I- just not y-yet..." He looks down at the floor, looking disappointed. "It's okay Kook, I don't mind. I just want you to feel better. You can tell me whenever you're ready. I'll always be here. 

I hug him tightly as he sniffles onto my uniform.

"Hey, Jungkook, why don't we skip today?"

He nods, slowly getting up off the floor. He wipes his eyes on his sleeve and sniffles one more time. He opens the door, checking if there was anyone there and quietly calls me over, signaling that there was no one there. We leave the school without a problem, walking around the streets. There was a comfortable silence around us as we walk hand in hand.

"Where do you want to go, Jungkook?"

He shrugs, looking around the block we were in. "I never did this before." 

"I haven't either. It's nice though, getting a break from school. Why don't we go get ice cream?"

His eyes widen as he hears the words "ice cream" He nods enthusiastically. I smile as his eyes crinkle and he gives me his signature bunny smile. We walk to the nearest ice cream shop deciding what to get. 

"I-I'll have one scoop o-of c-cookies and cream please."

"And I'll one scoop of mint chocolate chip."

I give them the money and walk to one of there booths. (Try to imagine the booth the way you want to, I tried to find one that was good for me, but I really couldn't find the right one so sorry) "This is really cute for an ice cream shop." I nodded, agreeing with him. I look around the pink ice cream shop. Reminds me of my mother... I smile sadly, trying not to cry.

"You okay Jimin?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. All of this just reminds me of my mother..."

He takes my hand, squeezing it softly. "It's okay Jimin, you can cry if you want to, I understand." I blink away my tears and smile. "It's okay, I'm fine. I guess I have to get used to it." He smiles and we both start eating our ice cream.

"Jimin, Jungkook? What are you two doing here in school hours?"

We both turn our heads to see Mr.Min  looking at us. "Oh, shit" I mumble, making sure Mr. Min didn't hear. I look back Jungkook, wondering what we should say. "H-Hello Mr.Min. We were just about to go back to school."

"Why were you two out in the first place?"

I sigh, not wanting to lie to him. "We were going to skip." I let out quietly, hoping he wouldn't hear. "Hm, is that so?" I nod, looking back at Jungkook who was looking at the floor shamefully. "From what I heard, you two are the best students in the class, this isn't really proving that now is it?" We both shake our heads, apologizing. 

"I'll call in and tell the school that you two are okay. I was sent to find both of you since I had you last."

"We apologize for being such a burden to you Mr. Min," Jungkook says looking up at him. "It's alright, you're kids, I'm lying if I said I didn't do that at you're age," He says chuckling. We both smile, getting up.

"I won't say that you two sneaked out. I'll just simply say that you two fell asleep and got up too late for the next period." We both do a 90-degree bow and say thank you one more time to Mr. Min and go back to the school. 

"Are you okay now, Jungkook?" He looks at me and smiles. 

"Of course I am. Thank you, hyung, For everything." I smile, putting my hand around his shoulder. "Just know that I'm always here for you Jungkook." He nods, smiling again.

We go to the next period class and quietly sit down. Everyone looks our way, whispering random things about us. 

"So the two faggots finally decide to break some rules huh? Didn't think you nerds had it in you." Chanyeol walks towards us. I ignore him and take out my books. "DID I FUCKING TELL YOU TO IGNORE ME!?" He grasps my neck, choking me. I try to pull out of his grasp but failed. He lifted me up in the air and put his fist up, ready to punch me. 

I shake my head hoping that he would stop.

"PARK CHANYEOL! PRINCIPLES OFFICE NOW!" The teacher screams at him. He lets go of me and I slump in my seat, coughing. "Oh my god, Jimin! I'm so sorry I didn't do anything!" I show him my signature smile, telling him I'm okay. "Don't worry Jungkook, I'm fine." 

Now everyone thinks you're weak, good job Jimin, even Jungkook hates you now. I blink away the tears as the teacher starts talking. Its okay Jimin, all of this will be gone soon, don't cry, it doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt...

 Its okay Jimin, all of this will be gone soon, don't cry, it doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt

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(Look how cute he looks though!!!😍)

Hey guys, sorry for not making this the taekook chapter. I said that this one was going to be when Taehyung comes to school, but I kind of had other plans so I carried on with those. I hope you guys don't mind. I will for sure bring him in the next few chapters. The above picture is how Jungkook looked when they were talking about ice cream, and how he looked in general. He just had the school uniform and black hair. I put a little Jikook in this cause why not. They have been friends for a while now and they are really close so, yeah. I cringed so hard when I read this, I'm sorry for this cringey shit. Thank for reading this, even though it's not that great. I hope you guys enjoyed and don't hesitate to comment.



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