Part 12

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/// Sorry for being so late lovelies, I was really busy these days. I'm eligible for Watty's so I'm like super happy!!!! I know it's like one in a million and I probably won't even win, but you know, its still something I guess///

I tried backing away, putting my hand up to the new bruise he created on the back of my head. "S-Stop, l-let me leave!" I tried to move away but he wouldn't budge. "You know, I heard that you liked me you, faggot." I choked, furrowing my eyebrows together. "W-What!? I don't!" I tried to deny but he only laughed, coming closer to me. 

He pressed his arms against the back wall, cornering me. I tried to move away but he only made the cornering impossible to get out of. Chanyeol got closer, forcing his lips onto mine. i gagged, having the feeling of throwing up travel throughout my body as his lips attached to mine. I pushed him off, wiping my lips in disgust as he got up.

"Haha, I bet you enjoyed that, faggot."

Tears welled up in my eyes as his sour taste was left in my mouth. I gagged, wiping my lips again. I was disgusted to have him take my first kiss from me. I got up but was forced down again as Suho kicked me in the gut. I held onto my stomach as the punches kept on coming. I looked up to see Chanyeol smoking a cigarette, directing the others what to do. His exact words were 'I don't want to get my hands dirty today. I have a date.' 

My vision went blurry as I tried blinking again to make it more clear. Suho looked at me weirdly, then smirked, kicking my head one more time, making my world go dark.

-3rd person POV-

"You dumbass! I didn't tell you to fucking kill him!" Chanyeol screamed, hitting Suho's head. Suho frowned, rubbing his head. "He'll fucking survive," Suho mumbled, hoping Chanyeol didn't hear him. The fuck did you say, bitch?" Chanyeol questioned, picking Suho up with his collar, choking him in the process. "N-Nothing, s-sorry!" Suho quickly said, hoping Chanyeol would put him down. 

"That's what I fucking thought," Chanyeol muttered, throwing Suho to the floor. He eyed Jimin, smirking as he looked at how he looked. He looked so weak, so submissive. He wanted to ruin Jimin even more. As he was about to punch the younger, the roof door was pushed open to show Mr. Choi staring at the three with raging eyes. 

 Chanyeol sighed, throwing his cigarette down and stepping on it. "You three! Principles office now!"

-Jimin's POV-

I woke up with an aching body and the sun hitting my eyes as soon as I opened them. I adjusted to the light and looked around to see where I was. I was still on top of the rooftop where I was beaten up by Chanyeol and his friends. I reluctantly got up, sighing as all the pain came rushing back to me. I groaned, leaning my head against the wall for support. Getting a little more strength, i opened the door, slowly going down the staircase. As I reached the end of the stairs, i felt a wave of nausea through my body. I leaned against the door, clutching onto my stomach. 

As the wave of nausea left my body, i opened the door and quickly ran to the bathroom. As soon as I reached the first stall, i threw up. Blood spilled all over the toilet as is I slowly stopped throwing up. I wiped my mouth with the toilet paper and went out of the stall, wincing as the pain kicked in again. I looked at myself in the mirror, gagging at how disgusting I looked. No wonder he hates me so much. No wonder he wants to beat me up so much... I closed my eyes shut and gritted my teeth, tears threatening to fall out. 

Why can't I just look beautiful like everyone else!? I wondered, my eyes still closed so I don't have to see myself in the mirror. I quickly left the bathroom, hoping that I didn't look too messed up. 

"Hey, Jimin!"

I turned around to see Taehyung behind me. I turned to face him and smiled. "Hi, Taehyung, right?" He nodded, stretching out his hand for me to shake. I shook his hand and waited for him to say something. "Have you seen Jungkook, I wanted to ask him something," I smirked, thinking of what he wanted to ask him and shook my head no. 

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