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Crush: Yes I do have a crush

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Crush: Yes I do have a crush. I'll reveal that the first letter of his name is R ;))

Middle Name: I don't want to reveal too much but the first letter is an N

Shoe Size: I wear both men shoes and women. In men's, I'm a 3 and In women's sizes, I can fit into anything from 2 to 6 lol

Eye color: Black or like super dark brown

Last Time I cried: Last time I cried was actually really long ago. I'm not the type of person to cry so I cried like 2-3 years ago

Biggest Fear: My biggest fear is spiders, I just hate spiders so much! I'm pretty much what u call an animal person, but like I just hate spiders. It's not the type of fear and hate that I would cry because of it, but its the type of hate and fear where if someone screams spider(when there isn't one) I will like freak out. I hope that made sense lol.

The last song you listened to: The last song I listened to was Kick it by BLACKPINK

Last person you texted: The last person I texted was my friend Angel

Relationship Status: Single as a Pringle. Lol that was sooo cringey

Fav Sports Team: I'm not a sports fan and I really don't know any Sports Teams so none really...

Fav color: My favorite color is black, but if it's not considered a color, then it's definitely purple.

Best friend: My best friends are these four girls and 3 boys. In wattpad they would be and others but the mentioning user's thing isn't really working which is really annoying but yeah, only one worked. The one that I talk to most is namjoon_bts_purple tho lol. Don't think I don't love any of you because I do<33

Fav Celebrity: I don't really have a favorite celebrity but if I had to choose, it would be Dylan O'Brien, Thomas Brodie-Sangster, Selena Gomez, and is like BTS and BLACKPINK considered celebrities? If they are, then they definitely come first lol

Any Scars: I have many scars because as a kid, I fell a lot, and because of that I have a lot of bruises and scars. The one that happened latest was when I was stabbed with a key on my hand. My friend and I had this contest to see who could last the longest with a key stabbing their hand. Lol, I sound so stupid, but I won so yay!

Kissed anyone: Yes I have kissed someone. It's actually a pretty weird and funny story so if you want to hear it, comment and I won't hesitate to tell you!

Someone I hate: I don't really hate anyone but if I have to choose, it would be this guy my best friend dated, Brandon. He's so self-centered and such an f-boy and it's so annoying because my friend gave him two chances already and he still hasn't learned. Along with that, he's not even that attractive!

Ever done drugs: No of course not! dOn't dO dRuGs kIdS!

Height: I'm like 5'1, 5'2, or 5'3. I'm definitely not taller or shorter but I also grew a little so I'm not sure.

Are you currently happy: No, not really. Some people make me feel like I'm on top of the world and others make me want to stab myself in the heart

Do you drink: Not a lot yet, but like I tasted it and got like sips here and there. Most of the times, they were like actually mistakes because I thought they were a different drink instead

Last thing I bought: The last thing I think I bought was Takis

Last thing I ate: Cinnamon Toast Crunch

Day or Night: I prefer Night much better

Fav Lyric: (Don't Change- Why Don't We)

All I'm tryna say is don't change
Every part of you is just right don't change
Not a single curve or one line
So why cover up your flaws
When they make you who you are?

Do you give second chances: I don't like giving second chances, but if it was someone I truly used to care about, I would want to give them a second chance and see if they could be better

Pet Peeve: One of my biggest Pet Peeve's would be when someone makes fun of me, my friends, my religion, my culture, my country. I fin dit so annoying when someone makes fun of it and it pisses me off so much. I want to hit them so hard once they do make fun of it

Random fact: Hm, I'm trying to think... Well, I like BTS and BLACKPINK. My bias is Lisa and Yoongi. I just love them so much. My favorite ships are Yoonmin, Taekook, Namjin, Jenlisa, and Chaesoo(in order) My bias wrecker for BTS is Jimin and in BLACKPINK it would be Jisoo. I can make my tongue do weird shape and that's pretty much it, I guess...

Current mood: I'm kind of happy I got tagged, but I'm also sad because of like the stuff that happens at school and stuff. These days, I've been like feeling really sad and angry so like I don't know.

Last Book I read: The last real book I read was 'Rumble Fish' and the Wattpad story I read last was Play Date by baektanned

Jealous type: Yes, I am the jealous type. I get like actually super jealous and that makes me super depressed, upset and angry for the whole day.

Birthday: January 19th, and I'm a Capricorn, like Taehyung!!

Obsession: BTS and BLACKPINK...(and mint chocolate ice cream...)

Fav song: Oh god there's too many. I like all songs by BTS and all songs by BLACKPINK but if I had to like choose from those two, I would choose Dionysus for BTS and Kick It was Stay(Japanese ver) for BLACKPINK. I obviously like many other songs, but like, I don't want to write it all down so like I included just BTS and BP. I also like Why Don't We songs. They have really good voices and I think they are great

Worst Mistake: I think my worst mistake was giving someone that sexually harassed me a second chance

Someone I trust: Someone I trust is like two or three of my best friends. (I have like 7 or 8)

Do you believe in love: I do believe in love. I look at my parents and I know that they are in love so this makes me think that love is real

Are you okay: No. No, I'm not.

Okie! That's it! @namjoon_bts_purple, thank you sooo much for tagging me! I hope you guys got to know something about me!<33

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