Part 31

169 11 3

///////Stream Dynamite, istg I'll never get tired of it it's so good 😍😍, also Ice Cream is amazingggg everyone's so talented then there's me pfft, enjoy this even tho it's pretty bad, it's super long so like beware, love u guys <33 thank you for reading////

Jimin groaned as he felt someone shaking him, but got up either way, trying to get adjusted to the light. "Oh, morning Noona," He mumbled, looking up at Eden. "Get up sleeping beauty, you have somewhere to be in less than an hour!"

Jimin sighed, propping himself on his feet, glancing at the digital watch that read 8:03.

"Oh shit," He mumbled, running into the bathroom, making sure to yell out a 'Thank you Noona' as he stumbled to brush his teeth.

He glanced up at the clock hanging above the door, panicking as he saw that it was already 8:15.

"Noona! Could you pick out something for me to wear? Please?"

"Sure but you wear whatever I put out!"

Jimin sighed, washing his mouth and putting his toothbrush into the little cup. "Whatever, just don't make me look like a hobo please?"

"I would never!"

Jimin jumped into the shower, taking a short shower, making sure to drown himself in body wash.

"Alright, I'm going to go, there's breakfast downstairs, come when you're ready."

"Okay, thank you Noona," He yelled out, attempting to style his hair. He still didn't know where Yoongi was taking, but he was beyond excited. When he told Aera and Eden, the two demanded giving him a makeover, and Jimin, being weak to all the puppy eyes, agreed.

He kind of panicked when the familiar smell of box hair dye came into his nose, but calmed down a bit from the reassurance from the two older women.

He ruffled his now blonde hair, parting his hair evenly and flattening down his side bangs.

The hair looked good, and for once, Jimin actually felt pretty. He sprayed some cologne over his body before leaving the bathroom, looking through the clothes that laid on his bed.

The outfit itself was great, Jimin just couldn't help but worry that he'd make it look bad.

He bit his lip as his insecurities surfaced once again, a million thoughts racing through his mind as he slowly shuffled on the yellow flannel, tucking in the plain white shirt that was also on the bed.

He looked at the mirror, nose scrunching as he tried to think of what would make the outfit look better.

He sighed before reaching out for a beanie, tucking his hair in, and leaving his bangs in the front with the rest of his hair hidden. He put on his jacket, remembering it was going to be cold, and headed downstairs. "Jimin! You need breakfast," He heard as he was about to head out. "I-I'm not hungry Noona," He mumbled, tying his shoelaces.

"Park Jimin. I swear to god if you don't eat something, I'm not letting you go. You didn't eat anything last night either!" She exclaimed, her spatula pointed at Jimin as she squinted her eyes. Jimin gulped before taking off his shoes, nodding as he moved to the kitchen. "Good, let me get your plate,"

Jimin honestly felt nauseous, his stomach wasn't in the mood for any food, but he knew he couldn't escape Eden. In all honesty, his stomach was growling for food, but Jimin had always created a mindset that he didn't need food to survive, even though that wasn't true.

"Something small, please?" Jimin asked Eden pleadingly, to which she reluctantly agreed to.

Jimin hesitantly ate the food given to him, forcing himself to gulp it down as he realized Eden was staring at him the whole time.

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