Part 7

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//So this will be placed after what happened last time, so basically Jimin comes to his class and sees that Yoongi is his teacher, alright enjoy!//

He smiles at me, causing me to blush. I look down and go sit in my seat. I can hear him chuckle at the reaction he got.

"Hello everyone, my names Min Yoongi. You can call me Mr. Min. I will be your new music teacher." I roll my eyes as all the girls whisper and squeal to each other. "Since it's my first time here, why don't we get to know each other? Write down on a piece of paper your name, one thing you like and one thing you don't like."  

I took out a piece of paper and thought of things I liked to do and disliked. Hmm...lets see, should I put dance? No, he would judge me and wonder why such a fatass is dancing. Maybe art? No, jungkook is so much better than me at that. Writing? Of course not, I'm horrible at that! Ugh! What should I do!? I guess I'll put singing, you don't have to be good at something to like it right? I sigh, realizing that I'm not good at anything. 

"Alright, I hope you all are done, I'm coming around to collect the paper."

My eyes widened as I realized I didn't know what to write. Fucking think Park Jimin! Oh, I don't like strawberry ice cream! I quickly scribble down Like: Singing and Dislike: Strawberry Ice Cream

I hand him the paper, not directly looking at him. I could hear him chuckle, making me blush even harder. I look up as he cleared his throat.

"Well, it was nice to get to know you all."(imagine they like went around the room saying things about themselves. All Jimin said was that he liked singing and disliked chocolate ice cream. No one could really hear though, cause he whispered.) The bell rang, causing the students to pack up. The girls stayed in their seats, admiring the handsome teacher. 

"Well, that's your cue. You all may go to lunch now. Park Jimin,"

I look at him while a smile played on his lips.

"Stay a little while after class please." I nod, as the others laugh at me for getting in trouble somehow. I put my stuff in my bag, going down to his desk. "Y-Yes Mr. M-Min?" He smiled coming closer to me. "Jimin, you don't have to address me as Mr.Min when out of class, okay?" I nod, looking down. "So Jimin, you didn't tell me that you went to Daegu High School?"

"W-Well, you d-didn't ask, h-hyung." I try to sass but messed up as I started stuttering. He chuckled, "Good point Jiminie." I blush at the nickname and look down.

"S-Sorry, I hope you don't mind the nickname."

He scratched his neck and blushed.

"I-It's okay, I-I like it..." He smiled and told me to sit down. 

"So,  you like to sing?" I blush and look down. What the fuck Jimin, why are you blushing so much!? Well, there is technically a god in front of me, so it kind of makes sense...What the fuck, this isn't what you should be thinking Jimin! 


"O-Oh, ya, I guess. I'm not really good at it though."  I shrug and smile. "Interesting, I didn't know that." I smile again and look up at the time. "I-I should go now, the bells going to ring anytime soon." I get up, gathering my belongings. "Alright, Jimin, let's meet up again, ok?" I nod, getting up and heading to the door. 


"Bye Jiminie, see you tomorrow."

I close the door behind me, smiling like an idiot. I put my hands up to my cheeks and feel the heat on them. I hear the bell for the other class and start heading there. As I was walking, I hear something inside of a closet, almost like a sound of whimpering.

I got closer to the closet and put my ear on the door hearing mumbling and a few sobs. I open the closet and look who it might be. My eyes widen as I saw the sight of a sad, lonely, depressed, hurt, and dead looking Jungkook.


Ok, this chapter was like actually REALLY bad, sorry. Thank you for those who checked out my other story, which is taekook. They will both be based on each other. I'm actually really sorry because I can't write well either way, but I feel like I could've done so much better. 

There will be more yoonmin, but I want to take it slow. I'm not the type of guy that will write that they fell in love after 2 days of meeting each other, so don't be expecting that, lol. The next chapter is going to be when Taehyung comes to school. I'm thinking of putting both Jungkook's and Taehyung's POV in the next chapter.

I might now update this one that soon because I want the taekook one to kind of catch up to this before I update more. I feel like for those who read both, it will make more sense.

Also, I don't really have a schedule on how I update so my updates will be here and there. Thank you again for those who read this shitty trash. I really appreciate it, you guys. Tell me anyways I can improve, because I know for sure that I can make these much better.

Thank you again for reading, I love you all!



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