Part 27

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////////////////////This is mad long and boring, prepare urselves lol and uh skip the a/n at the end cause it's just me ranting lol, enjoy the chapter ig, its pretty boring, just prepare urselves lmao also, dont mind the mistakes lol  i love you all <33333 thank you for reading/////////////////

Jimin was unbelievably scared, but also really excited. He came to the decision that he was going to go to Jin and come clean, considering how guilty he felt for lying to his best friend. The day went by fast, he didn't see Chanyeol anywhere, he should've expected that the boy was lying when he said he'd pay him back. 

He'd told Aera and Eden that he'll use the bus to come home, and they reluctantly agreed, being too busy that day. He also had to go pick up Junhyuk, he found out that the school Junhyuk went to was a short walking distance away from his college, so he offered to pick up the adorable boy. 

So, after meeting up with Yoongi , and checking in to make sure that he was still down to meet at 5 like they planned the day before, he left the school, walking to Junhyuks school like he planned to the night before.

He saw a bunch of parents standing near the gates, the kids not yet out. He awkwardly leaned against the fence, playing with the end of his book-bag straps as he waited for the kids to come out. 

After about 10 minutes or so, he saw the security guard come outside, opening the doors and letting out one class. He moved a little closer, checking if Junhyuk was in that class, and then moved back, realizing he wasn't. The next class, thankfully, was Junhyuks. The small boy came out with a big smile written on his face, holding the hand of a even smaller boy, who was looking down shyly. He glanced up, his smile becoming bigger as he noticed Jimin, enthusiastically waving his hand in the air. 

Jimin smiled back at him, his heart melting as he saw Junhyuk give a small kiss to the smaller boys cheek, and running to Jimin. The little boys eyes widened, his face flushing red as he waddled to his own mother. "Hi Minnie Hyung!" Junhyuk yelled happily, hugging Jimins waist. Jimin patted the boys hair, mumbling a small 'hi'. "Did you see Yoo Jun!? Isn't he the cutest!" Jimin smiled, nodding, finally understanding who the boy was. 

"I gave him the pancakes, he was so happy Hyungie!" 

"That's good, Hyukie, so how was school?"


They soon reached the cafe, Junhyuk talking about his day at school the whole way there. Jimin, being Jimin, didn't bother to stop the younger from his cute ranting. "Whoaaaa, can I get one of those muffins hyung!?" Junhyuk asked the moment the stepped foot into the cafe, pointing at a platter of muffins on display. 

"Sure Hyukie, lets first meet my Hyungs okay?" Junhyuk nodded, his hand still gripping the olders. He pushed through the doors and walked into the kitchen, finding Jin wearing his usual apron and whisking something. "Hey Hyung," Jin turned around, a bit startled but nonetheless smiling as he spotted Jimin, his smile becoming bigger as he glanced down at Junhyuk. "Oh my god, who's this cutie!?" Junhyuk suddenly got shy, hiding behind Jimin's leg, a light blush covering his face.

"C'mon Hyukie, this is Jin Hyung, he's my best friend," Jimin motioned, causing the boy to slowly come out. Jin immediately rushed over, bending down and squishing the boys cheeks.

"Well aren't you the cutest little thing!" Okay sorry, I'm Jin, and you are?" Junhyuk attempted to smile through his squished cheeks, his pearly white teeth in display. "I'm J-Junhyuk!" He exclaimed, his eyes wondering around the kitchen, mouth watering at all the dishes.

"Minnie Hyung, I'm h-hungry!" He declared, patting his stomach which was probably already full. "Hungry, huh?" Junhyuk violently nodded, a smile on his face, glancing at the chocolate cake on the table. "I guess you can eat something," Jimin said, causing the smaller boys smile to get even bigger.

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