Part 34

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///////in love with that^^^^///////

When Jimin walked into Areums school, the last thing he thought he'd be doing was fighting a teacher, but here he was.

The teacher refused to give Areum over to Jimin, despite Areum having a note that specifically said that Jimin would be picking her up. "I don't understand the problem here, Miss, Areum clearly has a note, and she knows me, we need to get home, what's the issue?"

The women gulped, clearly not having a reason to not hand Areum over to Jimin. "W-Well you're not her father! What relationship do you have with that man!?" She yelled, pointing her nail at Jimin. "I really don't think you need to know our private matters, could you bring Areum, we'll see if she wants to come with me or not," Jimin mumbled, getting beyond tired with the lady.

"Yeah," She snickered, flipping her hair to the back "Lets see whether she chooses her favorite teacher or you," She whispered, strutting away into the building. He sighed the second the lady left, leaning against the fence as he felt his feet ache from standing for too long.

He closed his eyes momentarily, smiling as he heard someone yell "Papa" from the distance. Suddenly, the voice came closer, and clearer, Jimin recognizing it as Areums. Papa? Areum didn't call Yoongi papa?

He felt a weight against his leg, small arms wrapping around his hip. "A-Areum, hi sweetheart, I'm so sorry I'm late," Jimin whispered, placing a soft kiss onto her forehead.

"It's okay Papa! I can call you that, right oppa? Hyunnie says that if someone kisses daddy and stays with daddy like you do, they're my mama, but since you're not a girl, that means you're my Papa, right? You're already like my Papa, so it's okay right?"

Jimin gasped, his mouth hung open, as he registered the words in his mind. Areum considered him as a father. Fuck, Jimin was about to break into tears, heart swelling with happiness as he nodded, sniffling softly.

"I-I for sure don't mind, Areum, let's ask your father first, okay?" He stuttered, eyes still filled with tears as she grabbed his hand, pulling him away from the school.

He turned back to face the lady, almost chuckling at the way her mouth gaped open and closed like a fish, but bowed politely, sending her a small smile. "Thank you for bringing her ma'am, I'll see you tomorrow," He said, facing back to Areum, following her down the street.

Jimin was quite shocked, to say the least, his heart incredibly warm as he stared down at his and Areum's  intertwined hands, smiling as he forced himself to blink the happy tears away.

"Daddy, daddy! Can I call Oppa Papa, my friends say that Jimin Oppa is like my mama and that would make him my papa!" She exclaimed the minute they got into the car, earning a choked gasp from Yoongi.


"I-I don't know Hyung, she asked me the minute she came out of school, I-I-"

Yoongi nodded, staying silent, still shocked at the question. "I need to discuss this with your father at home, okay?" Jimin asked, eyeing Junhyuk who was completely interested in his toy panda, not at all involved in the conversation.

Areum pouted, nodding softly before scooting closer to Junhyuk, playing with the smaller boy.


"Let's drop Junhyuk at his house first okay? Then we'll go home?" He mumbled softly, eyes on the road. Jimin gulped, a different, unwanted feeling coursing through his veins. "O-Okay..." He whispered, gulping down the lump forming in his throat as they drove away.

Areum ran into her room the moment they reached the house, leaving Jimin and Yoongi behind in their awkward silence.

"H-Hyung I'm sorry I-I told her to ask you-"

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