Part 14

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-Enjoy my loves❤-

To say that Jimin was happy was an understatement, he was ecstatic. He was ecstatic to the point he went into Namjoon and Jin's room, locked the door, and started squealing like a girl into his favorite stuffed animal, George. He couldn't believe he was going on a date with Min Yoongi, the hottest guy he's ever met in his life. Not just that, he was also his teacher, the teacher every girl and guy had a crush on.  

Jimin couldn't help but wonder why. Why would Yoongi want to go out with him? He wasn't any better than the people in his class, in fact, he was probably a whole lot worse. 

Questions circled around Jimins mind, but he tried to push them away and focused on the fact he did get asked out for once in his life. He started looking through his closet, trying to find something appealing to wear for tomorrow. After searching for more than 20 minutes he gave up and fell tiredly onto the bed. He wondered who he could ask for help, he knew Jungkook was the same as him, and that Jin and Namjoon would make a big deal about how he was going on a date. 

Hobi Hyung! Jimin thought, running down the stairs. "STOP RUNNING DOWN THE STAIRS PARK JIMIN!" Jin screamed. Jimin immediately stopped running, partially frightened at his eldest Hyung's voice. "S-Sorry Jinnie Hyung..." Jimin whisper-yells, walking down the stairs carefully. When he finally reaches the bottom, he runs toward Jungkook, screaming in his ear. "JUNGKOOK! Have you seen my phone!?"  Jungkook looks down at Jimin, utterly annoyed. He mumbles a sorry to the customer in front of him and turns to face Jimin. He grabs the menu near him and clenches it in his hand, hitting the top of Jimin's head with it. 

Jimin looks at Jungkook, surprised, and starts rubbing his head in pain. "Oww, what was that for! I'm telling Jin Hyung!" Jungkook rolled his eyes, wondering how the hell Jimin was older than him. "Stop being such a baby, Hyung!" Jimin gave Jungkook a 'seriously' look. "You're one to talk, Kookie. Now, tell me where my phone is! You're wasting my time!" Jungkook rolled his eyes again, causing Jimin to mumble 'Keep rolling your eyes, you might find your brain back there', which caused Jungkook to roll his eyes once again. 

"You know, Hyung, I never knew you were so stupid. You're literally talking to me with your phone in your hands, asking for your phone!" Jimin looked down at his hand, dumbfounded, and scratched his nape when he realized he was holding onto his phone this entire time. "O-Oh, sorry Kookie~" Jimin smiles and runs away before Jungkook has the chance to hit him again. He goes to the kitchen, earning a muffin and some hot chocolate from Jin. 

"Eat, you haven't eaten anything since you came home!" Jimin nodded grabbing the muffin and taking a bite. He managed to swallow that one piece but threw away the rest, knowing that he wouldn't be able to eat it. Jimin scrolled down his contact list, looking for H. Once he finally found his name, he clicked on it, hoping Hoseok would answer. 

"Hello, Jimin?"

"Hobi Hyung! Hi, I kind of desperately need help, can you help me?" There was a small silence, and then finally, Hoseok sighed. "Aish Jimin, you know I'm busy..." Jimin rubbed his forehead, trying to figure out what he could say to convince Hoseok to come by and help him. "Well Hyung, you wouldn't want me to tell Jinnie Hyung that you broke his precious Mario action figure, now would you?" Jimin heard Hoseok gasp from the phone, and smirked, knowing his plan worked. 

"You and Jin Hyung hang out too much, I can't believe you just threatened me Jiminie! My small, precious, sweet, innocent Jiminie just threatened me! Oh, my heart!" Jimin giggled as he heard Hoseok through the phone. "Stop being so dramatic Hyung, I just need help with what to wear for a d-date..." Jimin said, mumbling the last part. 

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