Part 36

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Jimin gulped as he walked down the hallway and near the principal's room, heart beating rapidly out of fear. It was only the 2nd period, and he was called down to the principal's office, past Yoongi's room, noticing how the room was completely dark and locked as well.

The younger already had a clear idea what this was about, and he was so scared. He didn't care if he was expelled, or suspended, what he cared about was Yoongi. But in the end, they didn't do anything wrong, considering Jimin was 18 before he met Yoongi.

"I-I was called down?" He whispered to the lady in the front, who looked at him through her glasses. "Mm, Park Jimin?" She asked, face contorting into a scowl as she looked the boy up and down. "Y-Yes ma'am," he mumbled, fiddling with the straps of his school bag.

"The principles waiting inside for you," Jimin nodded before walking to the principal's door, hand reaching for the door knob. He peeked his head inside, breath hitching as he saw Yoongi sitting in front of the principle, looking exactly like how he looked in the morning.

"Sir, you called me down?" He asked, trying to sound somewhat confident as he got his eyes off the older male.

"Yes, please sit, Jimin," The principle said, motioning to the seat next to Yoongi. Jimin bit the inside of his lip as he sat down, knee bouncing up and down out of complete nervousness. The principal's eyes drifted from Yoongi to Jimin, then back to Yoongi, the look immediately scaring the younger.

He reached for an envelope that laid in front of him before sliding towards Yoongi, nodding his head slightly, motioning him to look at it.

Yoongi took the envelope, flipping it open, a lump forming in his throat as he looked through the pictures in it. The envelope was filled with about 10 pictures, all of which were taken yesterday, a few from the time they spent at Jin's cafe, ones where their lips were pressed together, smiles on both of their faces. Others from the time Yoongi dropped him off, and ones of them walking into the small restaurant, hands intertwined together as they talked happily.

"Yin, what the fu-"

"I'd watch your language if I were you, Yoongi," The principle threatened, jaw clenched as he glared at Yoongi, Yoongi wasn't any better, hand gripping at the leather of the seat, eyes sharp as he threw the pictures onto the desk.

"Don't tell me to watch my fucking mouth, did you send people to fucking watch us!?" He yelled, the principle visibly tensing before composing himself and rolling his eyes. "I didn't do anything like that Yoongi, I'm not like that and you know it."

Jimin watched as Yoongi sat back against the chair, awaiting an explanation.

"I came into this on my table, someone sent it to me, don't push all of this onto me, you two should've learned to be more careful. You're a fucking teacher Min," Yin growled, glaring at Yoongi before turning back to Jimin.

"And you, dating your teacher?! Are you two serious?" He yelled, Jimin flinching at how loud the male was.

"Sir, I don't see what the problem is, its not like I'm underaged," Jimin mumbled, not wanting anything bad to happen to Yoongi.

"I dont give two shits if it's illegal, if this gets out, do you know how horrible my reputation would be!?" He grumbled, the words causing Yoongi to immediately roll his eyes.

"Okay fuck you Yin, all you care about is yourself, if you dont recall, you begged me to come teach at your messed up school. Jimin graduates in a month, and I leave after this year as well" Yoongi states, clearly annoyed with the principal's behavior.

"I am not risking the reputation I have created for a month, Jimin, you are expelled, and Yoongi, you're fired,"

He states bluntly, not affected whatsoever.

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