Part 24

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//// This FMV made me feel a different way- prob cause im obsessed with not by the moon and bls lol. BUT THEY SHOWED OFFGUN TRAIN SCENE DJHWSKSKKS U ALREADY KNOW I CRIED :(( Okay so enjoy this chapter, im so sorry it's late, i didn't know what to write lol, this is prob really bad and im so sorry if i disappointed u guys :(( well, enjoy this, thank u for reading!! <3///////

The day soon finished and Jimin was forced to leave Yoongi and meet up with Chaeyoung. Jimin saw Chanyeols group in the corner of the hallway, along with some other people who looked like they could break Jimin's neck with one touch. He took a deep breath in and sighed, knowing he would be beaten up either way and just decided to walk to the door as fast as he could. "Oi, fatty, where you going?" Jimin groaned, rolling his eyes and looking up at the unfamiliar voice.

Jimin felt his stomach turn, and clutched it, having the need to vomit. 

"C-Can I help you?" Jimin asked, regretting asking once he felt the males hand tighten around his collar. "You can help me, why not die? No one wants you either way," He stated in a 'matter-of-fact' tone. Jimin felt a sharp sting as the male's large hand slapped Jimins small face harshly, provoking tears to prick in his eyes. He immediately blinked them away, refusing to cry in front of them like he always did.

"Aw come on fag, cry for us," He heard Chanyeol say, walking closer with the rest of his stupid gang. Jimin stayed silent, his eyes on the tiles below them. "Bitch look at me when I'm looking at you," Chanyeol yelled, forcefully taking Jimin's jaw and making him look up at him. JImin didn't say anything and looked straight into the male's eyes, sighing.

"You're pathetic," He spat, scowling at Chanyeol. He instantly regretted saying anything once he felt a fist come intact with his stomach. He groaned, biting down on his teeth to hold back any other sounds. "Wanna repeat that Piggy?" Jimin reluctantly shook his head biting the inside of his lips as he saw the rest of the gang come closer to him. The man that was holding onto his collar let him go, making Jimin fall down because of how weak he felt. 

He felt a gut-wrenching kick to his ribs, tears welling up once again. The kicks only kept coming, the dirty shoes ruining the white uniform. Once the taller men seemed like they had enough, they stopped, leaving with everyone other than Chanyeol. Chanyeol squatted down, smirking as he saw the condition of the smaller boy. 

Jimin blinked rapidly, trying to stay awake. Chanyeol slapped the smaller boy's cheek, making it throb harder than it was before. "Go kill yourself, faggot," Jimin grimaced as the boy literally spat on him and sashayed away. Jimin waited until the taller male was out of sight and erupted in ugly sobs, his hand over his face to conceal the noises. He felt absolutely disgusting, and it hurt more than the bruises on his body to know that they did this because they didn't like gays.

Did his life not matter? Did no one actually love him? Why did it bother them that he was gay? He didn't dress differently, he'd never even talked to them, so why? Why did he have to suffer? Jimin's sobs echoed through the empty hall as he tried getting up. Ignoring the pain, he wiped the tears and grabbed his bag, suddenly remembering that he had someone waiting for him.

He rushed to the exit, once again ignoring the pain that shot through his entire body. He felt tears prick in his eyes with every step he took but he blinked them away. He finally reached the door and stopped for a second to breathe, smiling a little as he saw Chaeyoung standing there. 

"Chaeyoung, hey!" He slightly yelled, alerting her. "Jimin-oh holy- Jimin what the heck happened to you!? Oh my lord, who hurt you!?" Jimin chuckled, shrugging it off. "Ah its nothing, don't worry about it, my ride is here, shall we go?" Chaeyoung stayed silent for a second, staring at him doubtingly. "Stop lying Jimin, what happened?" Jimin sighed, biting the inside of his cheek. 

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