Fix A Heart

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[a/n: this is the first fanfic I ever wrote and I just want to make a disclaimer that I am aware that there are probably many errors all the way throughout, and that a lot of my sentence structure can be improved (a lot). but I wrote this story over 2 years ago and I would like to think I've improved as a writer and that my plot is better and idk man. nevertheless, if you decide to read this, I hope you can find the good in it and that you enjoy it! I'm going to keep it up since it's still getting votes and yeah idk c: ily. p.s. ignore some of my authour's notes lmao]


The car ride was long and quiet. That's usually the way it is between my mom and I. Ever since my dad left when I was young the two of us haven't been much of a family. We're too different. She's selfish and cold whereas I try to be the opposite. Take right now for instance. She's moving the two of us five hours away from our home so she can pursue a "more serious" relationship with a guy she's known for a month. I've never met him and honestly don't want to. My mom's a magnet for asshole boyfriends.

"Oh Kaelin," she grumbles, rolling her eyes, "would you lighten up? It's not going to be that bad. There are some kids your age in the neighbourhood. Talk to them, make some friends."

I try to smile for her benefit. As much as I hate this, I know she's excited. I don't want to ruin this for her.

Our new house is in a smallish town about an hour outside of London. It's on a short street with relatively large houses that are all different. We pull into the driveway of a two-story house with a small front porch and a two-car garage. My mom unlocks the door and tells me which bedroom is mine. There are three altogether, but she directs me to the first one on the left; the one furthest away from the master bedroom.

I set my things on my bed. My mom made sure our furniture arrived here yesterday so we wouldn't have to go through that hassle today. I rather like my room. It's a good size and has a large bay window on the far side. I open it, letting in some air to counteract the stuffiness in the house. There isn't much of a view. All I can see is the little balcony and glass door on our neighbour's house. How lovely.

I've put the pink and orange sheets on my bed and hung up the light curtains when I hear my mom calling me downstairs. I come running down, still irritated with her but trying my best to get over it. That's when I see the people standing in my kitchen. My mom is putting away some groceries as they chat about the neighbourhood and the weather. One of them is her age; a woman with dark brown hair and light eyes. Another is a pretty girl a few years older than me with the same dark hair. The last is a boy about the same age as I am. My jaw nearly hits the floor when I see him. I don't think I've ever laid my eyes on a more perfect person. He's taller than me with a nice toned body; I can tell through his white t-shirt. He has a head of brown curls, lovely green eyes, and dimples to top it all off.

I walk into the kitchen hesitantly. I've always been somewhat shy and do not want to introduce myself. Thankfully my mom catches sight of me right away. "Kaelin," she says enthusiastically, "I'd like you to meet Ms. Cox and her kids Gemma and Harry Styles."

I smile, "nice to meet you."

Ms. Cox insists that I call her Anne. It's clear from a few short minutes that my mom and her have really hit it off. Gemma is very friendly and nice; asking me about school amongst other things. Harry, on the other hand, doesn't say much other than 'hello.' When I give him a shy smile he smirks, forcing me to look away. As attractive as that was I'm not so sure I appreciate its intent.

When my mom and Anne begin talking about school, my mom just has to mention how nervous I am followed by the fact that I'm shy around new people. I catch Harry laugh quietly to himself before looking the other way, tying to hide his smile. I casually roll my eyes. If Harry is the kind of guy I sense he is I don't think we're going to hit it off.

"Well, Harry can show her around," Anne insists, looking at her son. "He doesn't mind."

I silently hope he really doesn't mind because I'd rather not be completely alone on my first day. I'm mortified enough as it is. Harry nods and poses an unconvincing smile, "yes, of course."


I try to look nice on my first day of school. I wear a pair of dark wash skinny jeans, a blue coloured blouse, and my favourite pair of flats. I leave my long, dark blonde hair curly and apply a touch of makeup. I'm heading out the door when my mom calls down the stairs, asking me if I've taken my medication this morning. I groan, remembering that I haven't and grab them out of the medicine cabinet.

I've been taking these pills for years now. They are supposed to help my heart muscles circulate blood properly. I was a premature baby which caused me to be born with a heart condition. My heart is weak which makes me have a little less stamina than most people. The doctors say my condition is stable right now though, and that I'll be fine as long as I take my medicine and go for my regular appointments.

I'm just about out the door again when my mom tells me that Harry is going to walk me to school.

"Great," I reply though I have mixed feelings.

Harry is waiting at the end of my driveway. He's just wearing a t-shirt and jeans but still manages to look flawless.

"Good morning," I greet him, catching his attention.

"Oh, hey," he says, looking me up and down.


My eyes raked over Kaelin from head to toe. She's gorgeous, I'll give her that. With her soft curls and nice body I don't know how anyone can deny how good-looking she is. I try not to stare and pull my eyes away.

"Well, school's this way," I say, starting down the pavement. She joins me quietly, quickening her pace to catch my long strides. I slow down for her. She smiles and bites her lip when I look at her. I can't help but like the way she looks when she does that. I smirk and keep walking.


When we arrive at school, a few of Harry's friends come up to him. I don't say anything and they don't ask about me. The best I get is a sideways glance from this girl with beautiful dark hair and plastered-on makeup. Harry is quickly engulfed in popular-kid talk and forgets all about me. Well, it turns out he is the kind of boy I thought; cocky, popular, the whole package. He's the kind of guy who ignores girls like me along with anyone else who is below his standards. I just roll my eyes and go my separate way. I'll take my chances getting to my classes on my own.

As usual everyone is fascinated with the new girl. I get a lot of 'hello's, snarky comments, and prying questions. I'm friendly with everyone but find myself getting along with this girl named Briana. She's in two of my classes and introduces me to some of her friends. One of them is a guy named James. He has nice eyes and a friendly smile when I meet him at lunch. He asks me questions about my old school and just random things about myself. I like that he's easy to talk to.

Come last period, I find myself sitting alone. Harry is in this class but of course we don't sit together. A short, skinny boy takes the seat next to me. He gives me a weird look but I try to ignore it. Chemistry is not one of my favourite subjects but it was the only class in this period that I could take. Something tells me I'm going to regret it.

As I sit there waiting for the bell to ring I overhear a conversation. It's Harry and his friends. One of them calls me hot while another asks what I'm like. "Is she worth the effort?" one of them asks rudely.

Harry laughs, "Like you said, she's hot but that's about all she's got going for her. She's a little weird if you ask me." I flinch at his words, hoping they don't believe him. What an asshole. I can't believe how much I was drooling over him last night. It's official that I will never fall for Harry Styles.

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