Chapter Thirty-Two: Because I Love You...

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Okay guys so here’s the last chapter before the little epilogue. I really hope you guys like it…xxx


                “Wake up baby...” I look up at him confusedly as he gives me a sad smile. What is he talking about? I’m already awake here with him.

Just as I’m thinking this I feel something pound on my chest. My entire body jumps. Suddenly Harry is gone and all I can see is blackness from behind my eyelids. “WAKE UP!” someone yells before shocking my chest again. After that I hear the familiar beeping of the heart monitor. I’m in the hospital? Right...I am in the hospital. What’s going on? Did my heart stop? Everything is a blur after Darcy being in my room. I think I have some memories but I can’t tell if they’re real or just a dream.

Sounds of relief erupt around me. I can hear them; I’m awake enough for that but my eyelids feel too heavy to open. I wonder what they’re so happy about. I guess they just brought me back? I don’t know...I was happy where I was with Harry but I guess that wasn’t really him. It was just some strange dream my imagination conjured up.

I feel terribly sick and so sore. My feet and hands feel numb and cold though they’re slowly warming up and gaining feeling as I lie here. I feel like absolute shit and yet at the same time stronger in a way. I don’t know; I really can’t explain it. I try to open my eyes but I can’t. I wonder what’s going on.


                Dr. Kinsley opens his mouth to tell us the news...

                “The surgery was a success,” he says at last. Everyone in the room breaks the silence in different ways. Emily and my mum cry while Briana buries her face in her hands. I sit here stunned for a minute before everything fits into place. Kaelin is alive. Kaelin is okay.

                I jump up from my seat and nearly hug Dr. Kinsley. I don’t even know what to do with myself. There are tears escaping my eyes as I ask a question I already know the answer to. “Can I see her?” I ask Dr. Kinsley. I’m sure he’ll say no because he never lets me see Kaelin when I want to but I figure I’ll ask anyway.

                He sighs before looking me in the eyes. “I can let you see her, but you can’t go into the room or anything. She needs time to rest and recover.”

                “I’ll be quiet,” I insist with a big, hopeful smile. “I’ll just sit there with her, that’s all.”

                Dr. Kinsley gives me a knowing look as he puts his glasses back on. “I’ve seen how she gets around you Harry,” he says, “She’ll use all of her energy just to smile at you if you’re there. It’s better that you let her rest, okay?”

                I smile at his words, thinking just how much I love Kaelin. I want to see her smile again; it feels like it’s been ages. “Okay,” I quickly agree, deciding that seeing her is better than nothing.

                He nods before motioning for me to follow him down the hall. We pass through the doors I’ve seen them take Kaelin away through twice. The hallway stretches longer than I expect it to, making it seem to take forever to get to her. Finally, we stop in front of a large window. The shades are pulled up, allowing me a good look into the room. I take a deep, relief-filled breath when I see Kaelin lying there. She’s looks more sick than ever, but I can tell just by the way her chest is moving up and down normally that she’s so much better than before.

                Dr. Kinsley and I exchange smiles before looking back at my beautiful girl. “Isn’t she perfect?” I mumble, thinking out loud and asking no one in particular. That’s when I feel a firm pat on the back. I glance over my shoulder and am surprised when I see Liam standing there. Louis, Niall, and Zayn appear beside him. They’re all smiling at me.

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