Chapter Thirteen

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I bet you didn't see that coming lol :) What are you guys thinking? ? ? 0.0



The X-Factor auditions came up quickly. It felt like I barely had any time to prepare. Now I’m here, in this huge room next to my family and friends, waiting to audition next. They’ve already said ‘no’ to so many talented people, I just know they’re not going to let me through. I’m so nervous; I’m tapping my fingers on my knee and checking the door every five seconds. Kaelin senses my nervousness and comes to sit on my lap. She wraps her arm around me and runs her fingers through the curls at my neck. "It’s going to be fine Harry," she insists, "they’re going to love you."

I hold her tightly around the waist and hide my face in her neck. It’s amazing how easily she can calm me down. "I hope so," I murmur into her skin. That’s right about the time that my name and number is called. Kaelin stands up and pulls me to my feet. With a quick peck on the cheek from her, a hug from my mom and sister, and multiple "good lucks" I’m on my own.


Harry’s performance is perfect. I watch him on the television backstage. He’s his usual awkward self before he starts to sing. When Harry sings you can just tell he’s enjoying himself. Seeing him happy like that makes me happy. When he finishes his song, which is Isn’t She Lovely by Stevie Wonder, of course the judges say yes. Just like that Harry has made it.

He’s absolutely thrilled when he comes back to see us. We all take turns hugging him. Anne cries happily which seems to be contagious because pretty much everyone is crying after that. Even though I knew he would make it through, the entire situation feels surreal. I just can’t imagine Harry, my boyfriend and best friend, being on TV or anything like that. I mean, he has the talent to be famous, but he’ll always be Harry from Holmes Chapel to me.


It seems like in no time at all Harry is leaving for X-Factor boot camp. He’ll be gone for a few weeks without visiting. The best he can do is call or text, which he promises profusely to do. At the moment I’m sitting on his bed helping him pack. I fold his shirts and neatly stack them in his suitcase as he tosses random things out of his drawer.

"Don’t forget your toothbrush," I remind him, "or socks." He gives me a flustered smile before grabbing a handful of socks and shoving them in the front pocket of his bag. I laugh at his terrible packing skills. "What are you going to do without me?" I ask jokingly, shaking my head as I reorganize the mess he’s made.

Harry gives me a sad smile, "I don’t know. I’m going to miss you."

I smile, "I’m going to miss you too Harry, but you’re going to have a blast there."

He nods, "Yeah, I wish you could come though."

I laugh, "I think you can last a few weeks without me."

"I’ll try," he says, "and I’ll call you every day, I promise I will."

I smile, "I’m gonna hold you to it Styles."

"You better. Don’t you forget about me while I’m gone," he continues to say.

I give him a ridiculous look, "of course not Harry, I just hope you don’t forget about me..."

He gives me one of those genuine smiles that bring out the dimples on his cheeks. "Never."

I think for a minute... "Well just in case," I begin, "I want you to take something that will make you think of me...and us." I’m wearing the Ramones t-shirt that he bought me on our first date to London. I pull it off over my head and hand it to him. "Here."

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