Chapter Ten

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Here's chapter ten, hope you like it :)


Coming home from France is an adjustment. Harry and I got so used to seeing each other at every waking moment we felt strange being apart and sleeping in different beds. A few times he slept over at my house or vice versa. Harry has stopped hanging out with his friends as much and instead spending more time with me. I feel guilty about that; I don't want him to feel like I'm taking him away from them. Whenever I talk to him about it though, he tells me that he just doesn't have as much fun with them as he used to. He insists that, other than a select few, he never really felt like any of them were his real friends.

My own friends have begun to warm up to Harry. Briana and he are friends now and her friends have also taken a liking to him. They haven't taken a liking to me, however. When I'm alone with them the only one that treats me the same as they did before is Briana. The others still don't like me and it's been a couple of months. I don't know what's wrong.

As for my mom, she's still dating Ryan and she's still not happy about Harry and me. It's annoying; I'll have Harry over and she'll treat him like her child more than me. I'm glad she's nice to him, I just wish she would be nice to us both. Ryan has been spending a lot more nights at our house. Take last night for example. I heard my mom and him come home around one o'clock in the morning. They went out dancing or something again. When they came up the stairs laughing and headed to the master bedroom I felt sick. I grabbed my headphones and played my music loud enough to drown out any potential noise. Now I'm lying here, waiting to get up. It's eight o'clock and I should really have a shower.

With a sigh, I stand up, grab my towel, and head for the washroom. I quietly turn the knob, trying not to wake anyone up, and push the door open. That's when I see Ryan standing there. He's leaning over the sink, shaving, wearing nothing but a towel around his waist. His body is nicely built and tan, unlike the other guys my mom has dated. Then again, my mom has never dated a twenty-five year old before. Oh God, he's looking more and more like a mail-order man-whore by the second.

He catches sight of me and grins casually as if we're friends or something. I hate to break it to him, but we're not. His gaze lingers on my body, making me suddenly uncomfortable in my outfit; short pyjama shorts and a t-shirt with no bra underneath. I cross my arms over my chest.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

He gives me this look that just plain pisses me off. "I'm cleaning myself up, what does it look like I'm doing?"

"I don't know, washing the shame off of your body," I mutter as he goes back to the mirror. I stand there impatiently, waiting for him to get out.

"Do you need something?" he asks.

I nod as if it's obvious, "yes, I need you to leave so I can have a shower."

Ryan smiles this little provocative grin, "well you can jump in if you want."

Holy Jesus. "Yeah fucking right," I say, no longer trying to keep my voice down, "as if you actually just said that to me."

He shrugs, "I don't know, did I?" He laughs.

I roll my eyes, "go crawl back into bed with my mother and leave me alone. Oh wait, do you need me to tuck you in? Would you like a nightlight?"

Ryan glares at me, "Is there a problem here?"

"Yes, actually there is," I say, "My mother is fourteen years older than you...why are you sleeping with her?!" The thought of my mother...being with anyone is disgusting enough, but this is just pushing it.

"I happen to like your mother," he tells me, "I like her a lot."

"It's gross, go find someone your own age." I kind of feel bad for being so nasty to him but after his little comments I think he has it coming.

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