Chapter Three

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I find myself looking for Kaelin at lunch. My eyes wander through the faces in the cafeteria, hoping to come across hers. When I do find her she’s sitting at a lunch table with a group of people. One of them is Briana, who I know after having so many classes with her, and the only other one I recognize is this guy named James. I frown as I remember him. He’s probably the biggest asshole I know. He pretends to be a nice guy just so girls will let him in their pants. Right now, I think that girl is Kaelin. He’s talking to her, making her laugh, and touching her flirtatiously every few minutes. His fingers gently move a piece of hair from her face and tuck it behind her ear. She blushes in the same fashion she did when we first met. It’s ridiculous, but the idea of James and Kaelin together makes me angry. At least I think it makes me angry but I might be mistaking it for jealousy. There’s just something special about Kaelin that keeps me thinking about her. She deserves better than that dick James, that’s for sure.

"What are you looking at?" someone asks me suddenly, pulling me out of my reverie. It’s my friend Jenny who is staring at me with a strange expression; her brown eyes wide and her eyebrows pulled together.

I shrug, "I don’t know. What’s up?"

She flips her curly dark hair over her shoulder and smiles at me. "Well," she begins, "I was thinking that maybe we should go to the dance together."

"The dance?" oh yeah, I almost forgot about that thing. Honestly I’d rather skip it altogether but my mom won’t let me. She is running it after all. How would it look if her own son didn’t even show up?

Jenny smiles and I can’t help but see how fake it is. How have I never noticed that before? "Yes, the dance. It will be fun. So you’ll pick me up at eight on Saturday?"

I didn’t exactly agree but at this point I don’t want to hurt Jenny’s feelings. I nod, "sure, eight sounds great." She grins, trying too hard to look cute, and wraps her arms around me. In the moment, I make eye contact with Kaelin who is looking up from her plate. When she sees me she immediately looks away, hiding her bright blue eyes. I can tell even from here that she is embarrassed. I wonder why.


Something stirs inside of me when I see Harry and that pretty girl together. They seem very cosy. I don’t want to admit that I’m jealous because that would mean that I do feel something for Harry, which I don’t. At least I hope I don’t, because I can never compete with that girl. She has curly dark hair, beautiful tan skin, and dark brown eyes. She doesn’t need to wear as much makeup or dress as slutty as she does, but I guess that’s what guys like. Silly me.

James catches me staring and calls me out on it. "What has Harry Styles done to catch your attention?" he asks with a forced smirk. It doesn’t look natural or attractive on him whatsoever like it does on Harry. But James is nice to me, which I more than I can say for him.

"Uh, nothing," I insist, giving him my full attention, "you were saying something?"

He smiles, "right, I was actually going to ask if you wanted to out with me on Friday night. We could go see a film or something?"

I grin, "That sounds great!"

"Good, I’ll pick you up at seven then?" I nod just as the bell rings. He gives me a quick hug before we go our separate ways. Briana catches up to me.

"So, what did he say?" she asks, looking more excited than I am. I explain the whole short story, mentioning every detail to please her. She smiles and tells me how great she thinks it is that we’re going to go out and then continues to talk about the two of us dating.

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