Chapter Four

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Hi :) Okay so the last few chapters were a little slow but things really pick up here :) Enjoy, vote, comment! I'd Love to hear from you ! :)



I’ve managed to avoid Harry this past week after what he said. Now it’s the day of this stupid dance thing and I’m sure he’ll just love to see me there with James. After Harry’s reaction I nearly turned James down when he asked to be my date. It’s ridiculous, I know; I shouldn’t care what Harry thinks after the things he said to me. I want to come to the final conclusion that Harry Styles is nothing but an asshole, but I can’t. I don’t know why, I just can’t.

I’m thinking this over as Briana curls my hair. She insisted on coming to my house tonight to get ready. I was relieved because I have no idea how I’m supposed to look tonight. It’s a dance so of course I want to look nice but I’m not sure how formal it will be.

I was just planning on wearing one of my old dresses from last year when my mom comes into my room. She’s holding a long dress bag that she sets in front of me on the bed. "What’s this?" I ask.

My mom grins and unzips the cover. She pulls out a stunning red cocktail dress. It’s knee-length with a tight, strapless bodice and a loose-fitting skirt. "I picked it up for you today at this little boutique," she tells me, "I know you needed a new dress for tonight."

I smile, "thank you mom, it’s gorgeous!" It’s moments like this that I feel guilty for being so hard on her all the time. Even though she makes mistakes and says the wrong things once in a while, I know at the end of the day she loves me and would do anything for me. Briana lets go of my hair for a minute so I can give my mom a hug. She smiles and tells Briana and me that we look great before heading to her room to get ready.

Once Briana is finished she finally lets me see in the mirror. I must admit she did a fantastic job on my hair and makeup. My curls look nice and defined and my eyes have just enough liner and mascara. When I pull on my dress the look is complete. Briana also looks great in her long, blue dress and high heels.

We’re heading downstairs just when the doorbell rings. I check the time: 7 o’clock exactly. It must be James...he’s always on time. I open the door and sure enough it’s him. He’s wearing a nice suit and has his hair slicked back. It kind of looks funny to be honest. I might laugh if he wouldn’t get mad at me for it.

"Hey," he says, stepping in for a small kiss on the cheek.

I smile, "hi, you look great!"

He nods, "thanks." A minute later he remembers to be polite and stammers, "You look great too."

"Thanks," I say half-heartedly. I’m thankful when Briana’s date arrives and we can finally all leave. Things were beginning to get awkward.

The dance is hosted at the town hall. It’s a massive building that resembles a church in many ways. There’s a large group of people hanging outside and even more filing inside. Wow, the whole town really does show up for this thing. We join the line just behind, you guessed it, Harry and that girl I learned is named Jenny. She looks great, but Harry looks amazing. He’s wearing a suit and a bowtie that looks adorable on him. His hair is perfect, as usual. His curls are still there, not slicked back all weird like James’ is. Ugh, why does he have to look so damn perfect?

Harry hasn’t noticed us yet and I don’t want him to. I pull James to the side and allow another couple to go ahead of us.

"What are you doing?" he asks.

I shrug, "I just wanted to line up with our friends." I hurry over to Briana, ignoring Harry’s lingering stares.

When we finally get inside, I’m surprised by how beautiful everything is. There are silver and white decorations all over the huge room along with different coloured ribbons to represent cancer organizations. There’s this one sign with a picture of a little girl on it. She has a scarf wrapped around her head as she looks at the camera, smiling huge. I practically donate all of the money I have on me to that organization. That’s when I see another one. It’s for organ donation. That must have been my mom’s idea; she’s a real supporter of organ donation. I’ve been on the list for a new heart since I was one year old. The doctor’s doubt I’ll need it; they say it’s just a precaution in case one day that changes.

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