Chapter Six

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The morning comes quickly and yet again I’m not sure what to expect from the day. I do know, however, that it will be good. That’s enough to keep me in a good mood as I get dressed. I turn on some music to sing along to as I pull on a pair of ripped denim shorts and a white and navy-blue button-up top. It’s warm out today; the sun is shining after the storm.

I’m tying up my hair when I hear my name being called. Confused, I spin around to face where it is coming from. I see Harry through my window as he is standing on his balcony. I smile as I open my window all the way and lean out. Harry is standing there in only a pair of bottoms. His chest and stomach are bare and I can’t help but notice how perfect and toned he is. It’s rather distracting.

"The sun’s out," he says with a smile, holding his hands out from his sides.

I grin, nod, bite my lip, and try to care about the sun while he’s standing there so magnificently. He looks down then back up at me, blushing. He steps into his room and comes back out as he’s pulling a shirt over his head. "Anyway, I know you love the sun so why don’t you let me take you out today."

I give him a confused look, "but Harry, we have school."

He nods, "I know. Skipping one day won’t hurt, just don’t tell your mother." I hesitate. Harry notices and gives me a pouty face that makes him look like a little puppy, "please Kaelin, love, I promise you won’t regret it."

Aw, how can I resist? "Sure," I give in.

He grins, "Good, meet me outside in ten minutes."


The first thing Kaelin asks me is "where are we going?" She’s like a child in that way; always curious. It’s cute. I tell her it’s a surprise before opening the passenger door to my car and letting her in. She gets comfortable as she rests her feet on the dash and leans her head back. I don’t mind; I’m not the sort to obsess over how clean my car is. She tries a few more times to get the surprise out of me but I don’t give in. She makes it awfully hard though; smiling at me, her eyes wide, biting her lip. Kaelin’s too gorgeous for her own good.

She rolls her eyes and turns on the radio. "Fine Styles, we’ll do this your way." I smile; pleased to have won. Kaelin turns up the radio when an old pop song comes on. She sings every word as she watches the scenery pass us by. She’s not much of a singer, but somehow I prefer the sound of her voice to the actual song; it makes me smile.

We’re about ten minutes away when Kaelin turns to me and grins. Obviously she’s figured it out from the road signs. "Harry!" she squeals excitedly, "you’re taking me to London!"

I nod, "you said you wanted to see it."

She smiles, "I do! This will be my first time coming here when I’m not"—she stops herself all of a sudden. Her little face drops as she thinks through her words.

"When you’re not what?" I ask quietly, hoping she’s not upset.


I was so excited I nearly told Harry how I’m usually here to visit the doctor. Now I’m on the spot and all I can think of is a bad lie. "When I’m not visiting my dad," I say. Truthfully, I don’t even know where my dad lives anymore. He might be here in London but I’m not sure. "It’s nice to come here without having such strict plans."

Harry smiles, "in that case I’ll try to make it even more exciting for you."

We park the car in the public lot and begin walking through London. Harry shows me a few little shops he and Gemma like to go in when they are down here. Eventually we’re starving; well, I’m starving. Despite my small frame I have a raging appetite.

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