Chapter Sixteen

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Hey everyone :) Thanks for commenting and voting on the last few chapters it means a lot!! This next chapter is a little sad :'( but i'm excited for you to read it. Enjoy :)


It’s been a few weeks since my diagnosis and since my last real talk with Harry. He still calls me nearly every night but I’ve made a conscious effort to keep those conversations brief. His text messages still make me smile every morning but I don’t let him know that. Lately I’ve either ignored them or simply replied “good morning” and nothing more. I think he’s beginning to catch on because a few times he’s asked if I’m mad or upset. I always tell him no but never give him a good explanation. Making excuses now will only make it harder later. It’s killing me keeping him at a distance like this but I don’t know what else to do. I’ve already made up my mind what I’m going to do. What I have to do. Harry has given me so much; he’s probably one of the most selfless people I know. Now it’s my turn to give him something. He might not realize it’s a gift when it comes, and maybe he never will. That’s okay because he doesn’t have to. It will be easier for him not to know the truth; that way he can move on faster.

                The days have crept up on me. Harry is coming home to visit tomorrow. He hasn’t been home in nearly two months. I know that as soon as I see him all I’ll want to do is pounce and kiss him like it’s a been a year, but I know I have to control myself. It’s going to be hard. Not to mention that I’m a terrible liar. Lucky for me this is the last time I’ll have to lie to him.

                I’m sitting in my windowsill as I think this entire thing over. My stomach feels sick at the thought of what I’m going to do. I hate the universe for putting me in this situation. Why couldn’t my heart condition just remain the same? I’m not even asking for it to have gone away, I just wish it could have stayed the same. We would have been okay then. I would still be happy then. I just don’t understand why things like this happen. Is it just coincidence that it happens to certain people or does it happen for a reason? Neither seems fair. But I can’t just sit here and pity myself. It’s not going to help anyone; especially not me.

                I unfold myself from my curled up position and decide to go downstairs. There, I find my mom sitting on the couch reading one of her bridal magazines. I sit down next to her and try my best to get involved. I haven’t exactly expressed any excitement for the wedding so maybe now’s the time.

                “That one’s pretty,” I say, pointing to a picture of a dress.

                My mom nods and smiles, “I think so too, and it would look good with the bridesmaid’s colours.”

                “You already chose the colours?”

                She nods, “they’re going to be yellow.”

                I smile, “that sounds lovely.”

                “I thought you’d say that, it is your favourite colour, though I can never figure out why,” she’s quiet for minute before she closes her magazine and looks at me, “Kaelin dear would you like to be my bridesmaid?”

                “Yes,” I answer immediately before hugging her, “of course I do mom, thank you!”

                My mom laughs, “You’re welcome. The dress will look stunning on you. And you’ll look great next to Harry.”

                My eyes immediately drop at the sound of his name. “You are bringing him right? I mean he’s already invited but of course he’s going to be your date,” she infers.

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