Chapter Twenty-Nine: As Soon as She's Ready

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Heyyy everyone :) I've been sooo busy this week which is why I haven't updated as much as usual :/ this chapter is short because of that but hopefully it gives you some clues as to how it's going to end ;) Enjoy lovelies :*

P.S: the gif of Harry on this side...look at the way he chews his gum, sweet Jesus...


Kaelin sleeps for a very long time today. Her body is still and the only thing letting me know she’s alive is her heart monitor. The rhythm of its beeps is a lovely sound and I wish for it to never stop. I sit by her bed for a while, just thinking about things. I think about her, I think about us, and everything that’s in-between.

This morning when I woke up, she was still lying in the exact same position she fell asleep in; on my chest where I placed her. That worried me because she moves a lot in her sleep. She’s a restless, light sleeper, but not last night, or today. Kaelin is more exhausted and weak every day; I can see it now. I could never tell that her condition was worsening until this past week since the wedding.

With a sigh I rest my head in my hands. I really need to get out of this room; I need to see something other than these four white walls. At the same time, I don’t want to leave Kaelin alone. What if something happens while I’m gone? What if she wakes up and she’s all alone?

It’s as if Briana can read my mind at that moment because all of a sudden she comes into the room and looks at me. "Go get some breakfast, I’ll sit with Kaelin," she insists.

I glance at my girlfriend’s sleeping form then hesitantly back at Briana. "I’ll take care of her Harry," she says earnestly.

"Promise to text me when she wakes up?" I ask, standing to my feet.

Briana rolls her eyes, "Of course." I smile at her before pulling Kaelin’s blanket up to her neck. Warily, I leave the room, shutting the door behind me.

I’m on my way downstairs when I turn the corner and nearly run right into some guy. We look at each other for a minute. He’s in his late thirties and is tall with dark hair. There’s not too much distinguishable about him other than the fact that he has bright blue eyes. I must be staring at him like an idiot right now but there’s something familiar about him...

He clears his throat, "Sorry," he says before walking around me.

"Uh, sorry," I reply after him. I quickly shake my head and keep walking. On my way I get a text from Liam asking if I want company today. I’m about to object when he sends another text telling me he’s already here and that we’ll meet at the little coffee shop next door.

A short walk later I find him sitting inside the cafe at a little table at the back. I walk past one of our body guards on the way and he smiles at me. There’s really no need for him to be here; the cafe is practically empty but hey, what are you gonna do?

I sit down across from Liam and say hey. All he does is look at me. " did yesterday go?" he asks, glancing down at his coffee.

I press my lips together, knowing how Liam feels about my plan. He’s the only one of the boys I’ve told. I want to tell the others but I’m not sure they’ll understand. Liam barely understands. He tried to talk me out of it but that just wasn’t happening. Once I made up my mind I wasn’t planning on changing it. "Good," I finally answer, "Everything’s sorted out."

Liam sighs, "And you’re sure about this?"

I nod, "Liam I love her."

He gives me a sad smile, "Then I suppose this is the right thing to do." He pauses for a minute before saying "You know I love Kaelin too right? I adore that girl. After what I said the other day I was afraid you might think I don’t...but I do. I’d do anything for her. In a way I was trying to protect her just as much as you..."

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