Chapter Fifteen

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I couldn't post that chapter alone I had to put this one up too. I hate cliffhangers like that lol.This chapter is a little sad just to warn you. Enjoy :)


                “You test results are in,” Dr. Kinsley says in that professional, unreadable voice of his.

                “Okay, what did they say?” I ask, hoping he’ll just spit it out already.

                “I’d like you and your mother to come down to the hospital tomorrow if that’s convenient for you. I’d like to talk to you in person,” he tells me. My stomach drops.

                “Why can’t you just tell me now? Is it bad? What’s wrong?” I ask frantically.

                “Calm down Kaelin, we’ll talk about it tomorrow and I will explain everything then,” he insists calmly.

                I agree simply because there is nothing else I can do. “Alright, I’ll see you then.” I hang up the phone and run upstairs to tell my mom. I barge into the bedroom and spill everything that Dr. Kinsley just said followed by a steady stream of frantic questions.

                “Kaelin just calm down would you?” she says, “we’ll see what he has to say tomorrow and until then you just need to relax. Take it easy for the night okay?”

                I nod slowly and breathe. “Okay mom.” Outside the door I can feel Ryan’s lingering stares. I turn around to face him, expecting a look of confusion. Instead he seems unscathed.

                “That was the doctor?” he asks. I nod. “He was calling about your condition I’m guessing?”

                I squint my eyes at him. “How do you know?”

                He shrugs, “your mom told me.” Oh my God, Ryan knows and Harry doesn’t? How horrible of a girlfriend can I possibly be? I smile weakly and head to my room to stay calm and mope for the rest of the night.


At this point I absolutely hate the hospital. I’ve been here far too often in the past few weeks. The sterile smell and colourless walls make me sick. Today I don’t wait in the usual room. Instead I’m directed down a series of hallways that eventually leads me to Dr. Kinsley’s office. It’s a fairly large room with one desk in the middle. He’s sitting behind it and stands up at our arrival.

                “Hello Ms. Brooks,” he says, “hello Kaelin, please take a seat.”

                We do as he says even though I’m way too jittery to sit still. Dr. Kinsley starts off with some small talk. He asks me how school is going and comments on the dreary weather. I’m tempted to just tell him to get it over with but I know that’s rude. I try to answer his time-wasting questions but am ecstatic when he finally gets to the point.

                “So,” he starts, “your results.” My mom and I wait in silence. “Well Kaelin you know about your condition. You have valvular disease. The valves in your heart have difficulty pumping blood to the rest of your body. Now, you’ve been very lucky Kaelin, I want you to know that. Your case has been mild and you have been able to live a fairly normal life.” I nod quickly, hearing what I already know. “You’ve been a lucky girl for a long time. The recent tests, however, have shown some muscle and tissue damage in your heart. The numb feeling you’ve been experiencing is a direct result of that; the valves in your heart have been having a hard time pumping blood to the rest of your body.” Dr. Kinsley pauses, which makes me worried. He pushes his glasses up his nose and takes a deep breath before continuing. “Kaelin your condition has changed. You have congestive heart failure. I’m sorry.”

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