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                I wake up in a tangle of sheets next to a sleeping Harry. His dark curls are in his face and his lips are slightly parted as he breathes. I spend a moment admiring him before quietly and gently climbing out of bed. I wrap a blanket around my body and sit in the windowsill, staring out into the sunny city.

                It’s amazing how happy feel I right now. Wasn’t it just last night I was wishing to have died? My dad’s letter really did help me a lot. I think I’m beginning to understand what he meant by “everything happens for a reason, even if that reason doesn’t make sense to you.” Well, I think things are starting to make sense. When I was sick there were so many problems in my life; my mom, my dad, and most of all myself amongst about a hundred other things. Almost dying forced me to tie those loose ends up while I’m still young. And now that I’ve done so what is there to worry about? Somehow nothing seems as terrible as what I’ve been through over the past year. It gives me a hopeful outlook on the rest of my life. I’m sure things won’t be perfect, because they never are, but perhaps now I can stop searching for imperfections and focus on the good things. My dad gave me another chance at life and I’m going to make the best of it.

                I look over the city with fresh eyes and try to imagine myself living here; truly living here. I want to go out and do all of the things I couldn’t before. Just as I’m thinking this I here rustling from the bed. I turn around to greet Harry with a smile but he’s already up and dressed in a pair of boxers.

                “Mind if I join you?” he asks somewhat nervously.

                I grin, “Of course.”

                With that same nervous expression he slides onto the large windowsill cushion behind me and pulls me onto his lap. He snakes his arms around my waist and holds me like that for a while. “Kaelin?” he says quietly near my ear.

                “Yes?” I ask curiously.

                “I love you.”

                I smile, “I love you too.”

                He removes one of his hands from my waist and reaches behind him. When he returns it to my lap he’s holding something between his fingers. It sparkles in the sun from the window when he moves. I gasp and cover my mouth when I realize it’s a ring.

                “Kaelin Brooks, will you marry me?” he asks.

                I climb off of his lap and turn around to face him. We stare at each other. He gives me a big, hopeful smile and I try not to cry again. “Harry Styles of course!” I say before jumping back into his arms. “Yes, I’ll marry you!”

                Harry grins before kissing me on the lips. Things really are more wonderful than I thought they were. It feels like an ending and beginning of a story all in one perfect moment.

And there it is I actually finished it haha :’) The ending might be kind of cliche but I just had to.. I’m going to miss writing this story but thank you to anyone who reads it and to everyone who’s been reading, it really does mean a lot to me that people actually enjoy what I write so thank you again. I’ve posted my second story on here also and if you’d like to check it out and tell me what you think that would be wonderful :))

                I LOVE YOU GUYS :D Love Summer <3

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