Chapter Twenty-Six

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Ok sorry this one's a little short and a little boring but it leads to what's coming up next :)


Kaelin is very nervous for her doctor’s appointment today. She was trying not to let on that she was the other night but I could tell she was distracted. When I brought it up her smile dropped and she had to look away. That’s when I told her I’d come with her. I guess her mom hasn’t shown up to any of her appointments over the past few months since she moved to the city. Honestly that doesn’t surprise me; Emily is a nice lady but from what I remember not the best mother.

I arrive at Kaelin and Briana’s flat around 10 a.m., an hour before her appointment. Briana answers the door on the first knock. She smiles when she sees me, "Hi Harry! Come on in," she says. I follow her into the living room. "Kaelin is just getting dressed," she tells me.

I nod and smile, "alright, I’ll wait with you then." I take a seat on the sofa and so does she. I can’t help but notice that she keeps staring at me; her eyes are burning a hole in the side of my head. I give her a quizzical look, "Is something wrong Briana?"

She quickly shakes her head, "No, I’m just glad to see you here again." I smile at her as she continues, "Kaelin missed you so much Harry. I considered calling you myself a few times."

"I missed her too," I reply, smiling at the fact that I don’t have to miss her anymore.

She gives me a half-smile, "It killed me to see her like that, it really did. Since you’ve been here though she’s had a spark in her eye...she’s been my best friend again." I’m about to say something to her when her eyes are drawn away. I follow her gaze behind me to see Kaelin coming out of her room.

When she catches us both staring at her she looks confused and blushes, "What are you guys looking at?"

"You babe," I say simply, making her blush even more.

Briana jumps up and gives Kaelin a quick hug, "I gotta go to work, I’ll see you later." She runs over to the door, obviously running late. "Bye Harry," she calls over her shoulder before running out the door and shutting it behind her.

Kaelin looks around confusedly before settling her eyes on me. "Wow, she sure left in a hurry," she muses, shaking her head. She goes to push her hair out of her face and I can tell her hands are shaking. Her hands always shake when she’s nervous.

"Are you alright, love?" I ask.

Kaelin bites her bottom lip nervously and looks at her feet. I’m about to stand up and go hug her but she beats me to it. She runs over and climbs onto my lap, tucking her head into my chest. I wrap my arms around her and kiss the top of her head. "It’s going to be alright Kaelin," I say soothingly, "Don’t get yourself worked up. I’ll be right there if you need me." I’m trying to sound positive and supportive but deep down I’m scared shitless. If anything happens to her I don’t know what I’m going to do with myself. I still haven’t really grasped the thought that she might not survive this. It’s too difficult to think about.

Kaelin lifts her head and kisses my collarbone. I do love it when she does that. It’s like when I kiss her neck; it drives her crazy. She shifts around so that she can look at me. Her legs straddle my lap and her arms snake around my neck. Her lips give me one long kiss before she pulls away and smiles. I’m not ready for it to end though and am surprised when it does. Kaelin giggles and lightly kisses me on the nose.

"I missed you doing that," I say, grinning at her. She smiles and takes my face in her hands to give me one more kiss before climbing off of me. She offers her small, delicate hands to pull me off the couch. We leave shortly after that even though all I really want to do is stay here with her all day. We could just lie in her bed or lay around the house all day in our pyjamas; I would be perfectly happy doing nothing at all as long as it’s with her.

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