Chapter Seven

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Hey there I hope you're enjoying the story so far lovelies ;)


Harry walks me to school in the morning. The last time this happened was just a few short weeks ago on my first day. We sure have come a long way since then. Still, I feel nervous about today. I know how Harry can be around his friends; I’ve witnessed his switch in personality first hand and on more than one occasion.

When I look at his smile though, I feel bad for doubting him. It’s so genuine; the one where his dimples show; the one that appears without him even trying. He takes my hand in his. It’s amazing how many things I’ve already noticed about Harry. Maybe I’ve had my eye on him more than I thought.

We reach our school and, just as I expected, Harry’s clan of bitchy, popular friends swarm him like bees. I feel claustrophobic in the crowd. Everyone is talking about some party Harry missed as if the world is about to end. Of course some drama went down that Jenny is just dying to tell him. I can see it in her eyes as she stands in front of Harry with a big fake smile on her face. I don’t want to leave Harry but I really do not belong here. No one has even said a word to me yet; they all just keep glancing at me with confused expressions before blowing me off.

When Jenny is distracted for a moment I turn to Harry, "I’ll see you later, okay?" I smile, not wanting him to think I’m upset or something.

Harry’s eyebrows pull together in confusion, "you don’t have to leave Kaelin, stay with me."

I press my lips together before looking around. They don’t even notice I’m here. That’s alright, I mean, I’m not here for them anyway. They’re just not my kind of people. I’ll accept them for Harry’s sake, but that’s all. "No really," I insist, "catch up with your friends, I’ll see you at lunch." I smile and hesitate before walking away, unsure whether to give him a kiss or not. I choose not to, feeling too uncomfortable with this group and what they might say.

I’m on my way towards the school building when I hear Harry’s voice. "Kaelin!" he calls, "wait up." I turn around and eye him confusedly. His friends do the same.

"Tell me about it later guys," I hear him say faintly from over here, "I’m going to walk my girlfriend to class." Their jaws nearly hit the ground when Harry walks over to me and takes my hand. Jenny looks pissed. I might feel bad if that anger wasn’t solely directed towards me.

"Harry," I mutter, "you didn’t have to do that."

He looks down at me and smiles, "but I want them all to know that you’re my girl."


Four Weeks Later:

Harry and I are...perfect. That’s all I can say. For the first time in a long time I don’t have anything to worry about. All of my problems; my mom, my dad, my heart condition...they all seem to fade away when I’m with Harry. He doesn’t let me worry about anything. He makes everything okay.

Our relationship has gotten better than I ever could have imagined over the past few weeks. I knew Harry and I had a lot in common but there’s even more there than I thought. He’s not only my boyfriend; he’s also my best friend. Briana is my best friend as well and we can do anything together; but only Harry and I can do nothing together and still be content. Speaking of Briana, things have been weird with her this past week. She’s been her usual sweet self but I don’t think her friends like me. Ever since the one day I brought Harry to sit with us they haven’t treated me the same. It’s like they’re mad at me or something. I was hoping to resolve this problem tonight. I invited her to dinner at my house. Anne and Harry are coming, along with Ryan and a few more of my mom’s friends.

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