Chapter Eight

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Here's chapter eight and i really hope you like it ! :)

I’m still packing my bag the morning of the day we’re leaving for France. It’s just paranoia; I’m so terrified to forget something, which I always end up doing. I check over my necessities; a toothbrush, money, enough outfits to last me two weeks...I gasp when I realize what I forgot: my pills. I pop one in my mouth before placing the jar in the front pocket of my bag.

                “KAELIN!” my mom calls from the bottom of the stairs, “Would you hurry up? We’re going to be late!” Ah crap, I hate making people late. I’m struggling to zip up my suitcase when my door opens. I turn around to see who it is; Harry. Oh great I’m holding them up too.

                “Having some trouble?” he asks around a laugh.

                I roll my eyes, “could you help me?”

                As he comes over I climb on top of the bag and use my weight to keep it closed. Harry pulls the zipper shut before looking up at me with a grin. I giggle as he makes a funny face. I bring my hands to his cheeks and kiss his nose playfully. That’s right about the time when my mom screams up the stairs again. “KAELIN, HARRY, WHAT ARE YOU DOING UP THERE?”

                Harry pulls me up and takes my suitcase downstairs, despite how many times I insist I can do it myself. He places it in our car before heading over to his and Anne’s vehicle. Gemma isn’t coming as she’s in university now so he gets the passenger seat. I, on the other hand, am forced to squish in the backseat next to two of my mother’s friends. My mom’s sitting in front of me and Ryan is driving. I was really hoping he wouldn’t come. I mean, he seems nice enough but there’s something about him I don’t like. Maybe it’s the fact that he’s nearly ten years younger than my mom. It’s weird. She’s a cradle robber and he acts like her little puppy dog. It makes me sick.

                Anne and Harry offered to take me in their car but my mom made up some excuse to keep me here with her. I’m beginning to think that there’s more to her just being “overprotective.” If I didn’t know any better I’d say she doesn’t want Harry and me to be together. It’s almost like she’s jealous; not of Harry and me, but of the fact that I’m actually happy. I haven’t been very happy for a long time and I swear she likes it better that way.

                I shake my head at these thoughts. I must sound like a horrible daughter.

Harry and I sit together on the plane. It’s my first time being on a plane and I am absolutely terrified. I know it’s extremely unlikely that we will crash but that doesn’t stop me from worrying. My hands clench onto my seatbelt as we take off. Once we’re up Harry tells me quietly that it’s okay.

                I shake my head, “I don’t know Harry. I think I’m going to be sick.” How attractive I must seem.

                He takes my face in his hands, “look at me,” he says calmly. It’s not hard when he’s staring me in the face. He tries to hide his smile from me, “breathe.” I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding before leaning my head back against the seat. “Just calm down, everything will be alright, I promise,” Harry tells me, letting me squeeze his hand. I feel bad for him really; I must be irritating.

                After an hour I’m getting used to the plane. It really isn’t that bad. I decide to have a little nap for the last hour. I curl up to Harry’s shoulder and he leans his head on top of mine. “Shall I sing you to sleep?” he asks jokingly.


                Kaelin giggles, “Please do.” I quickly try to think of what to sing to her. I’d rather not in the middle of these people but if she wants me to I will. I take her closest hand in my lap and fiddle with her delicate fingers as I think. Then it comes to me.

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