Chapter Twenty-Three

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Hey guys, sorry it took me so long to update this week! I’ve been so busy but I finally got a chance to finish this chapter so I hope you like it! :) By the way this chapter is dedicated to megan_stenstrom! She’s an amazing fan and an even better person :) Thanks babe!


Today I’m living millions of girls’ dreams. I’m meeting One Direction. Harry insisted on it. They’ve been in town with him for about a week now. He said they’re all excited to meet me. Personally, I’m terrified. What if they don’t like me? What if they think I’m weird and gross because of how skinny I am? Or what if they simply don’t like my personality? Oh well, there’s nothing I can do about that. Harry told me to be myself so that’s what I’m going to do. Briana is home today and she knows everything. She’s thrilled to be meeting them; but she’s great at meeting new people. I’m shy and weird. As nervous as I am, I’m feeling much better today. It’s one of my good days where I can barely tell I’m sick. I thank the universe for that.                             

                We’re sitting on the sofa in our flat waiting for them to arrive. Briana and I picked up some food from the store today to keep them fed. Apparently the Irish one has a ferocious appetite. We’ll be friends I’m sure.

                I’m dumping some crisps into a bowl when I hear a knock at the door. Briana and I look at each other before Harry lets himself in. He pokes his head around the corner and smiles when he sees me. “You know you should really lock your door love,” he says in his low voice, “anyone could walk in here.”

                “You mean a couple street thugs like yourselves?” I say sarcastically around a laugh just as the other boys round the corner.

                Immediately the apartment gets ten times louder. None of them are shy, that’s for sure. They’re all talking and introducing themselves until Harry speaks over them. “Kaelin,” he says loudly, urging everyone to be quiet, “let me introduce you to the lads.” I smile and press my lips together.

                “This is Liam,” he says, motioning to the first boy on his left. I already know they’re names, but it’s nice to actually meet them.

                Liam steps forward, “It’s a pleasure to meet you Kaelin, I’ve already heard so much about you”—

                “Yeah, that’s because Harry never shuts up”—Louis interrupts before Harry nudges him in the arm.

                I giggle as Liam shakes his head and continues, “Anyway, we brought some food.” He hands me a box of donuts. This boy is just too sweet.

                “Thanks, how did you know I was hungry?” I smile like a crazy person and pull him in for a hug which he gladly accepts. “This is my friend Briana,” I tell him, motioning to her beside me. They quickly get acquainted as I’m introduced to the next boy.

                Louis is next. He’s practically jumping where he stands in anticipation. “Hi Kaelin I’m Louis!” he says, “You seem sweet, like a real lovely girl; perfect for our Harry.”

                “Louis,” Harry says sharply under his breath.

                I just smile and laugh some more, “Thank you.”

                “I’m Zayn,” says Zayn in a quiet voice. Wow, he has perfect skin, as strange as that might sound. He gives me a shy smile. We can definitely relate. “We’re glad to meet you, love.”

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