Chapter Eighteen

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Okay so this chapter is short but i just wanted to give a quick update!! It's just a little filler chapter so bear with me here babes :) As always tell me what you think ! :)


"Get the hell out of my house."

At first I think she’s talking to Ryan. He’s the one in the wrong here. But she’s looking right at me with accusing eyes. "What?!" I exclaim, shocked, "you’re talking to me?!"

My mom is furious, "How dare you Kaelin?"

"Mom," I yell desperately, "you have got to be kidding me. Do you even know what happened?"

"I saw enough," she tells me, "is it not enough that I do everything for you?! You’re a selfish little brat Kaelin! You take everything you can get your hands on don’t you?"

Her words make me flinch. "How can you say this mom? I’m your daughter. You know I would never do this to you! Ryan kissed me! I didn’t want him to and he did. If you’re going to be mad at anyone be mad at him!"

"I’m sorry Emily," Ryan interjects, "She just kind of kissed me. I don’t think she meant anything by it. She wasn’t thinking straight."

"You’re such a fucking liar," I snap at him.

"KAELIN!" My mom yells sharply, "watch your mouth! I’ve heard enough out of you. You have never been happy for me! Everything always has to be about you doesn’t it?"

"That is not true mom," I say, "how many times have I moved for you? And what about all of those boyfriends of yours who have been complete assholes? I’ve never said a word until now! You have to believe me mom I would never do this to you. I’m only seventeen, why in the world would I want anything to do with Ryan?"

She just shakes her head. "Enough excuses Kaelin, just go."

At that Ryan interjects, "Emily, you can’t just kick her out, she’s sick"—

"Ryan," she snaps and he immediately shuts his mouth.

"Kaelin I don’t care if you leave tonight or tomorrow, but you’re going. I’m not going to put up with this in my own house." I just stare at her and begin to cry. There’s nothing I can say or do now; she's already made up her mind. I push past her and run upstairs to my room. There I pack a small bag, storm back downstairs, and turn into the living room.

"Bye mom," I say, "Ryan, I hope you’re bloody well happy you piece of shit." And with that I walk right out the front door. I don’t even know where I’m planning on going. I give Briana a call but no one answers. That’s when I remember that she’s gone to her aunt’s house for the weekend, which is also why she wasn’t at school today. I walk around town aimlessly in the dark. There’s no where I can go. I don’t have a car so it’s not like I can even drive somewhere. After about an hour it suddenly comes to me. There is one place I can go.

I walk back down my street, taking my usual route. Instead of going to my front door, however, I head next door. I hesitate before knocking but eventually find the courage to do it. It doesn’t take long for Anne to answer the door.

"Kaelin," she says questioningly, "what are you doing? You look upset dear what’s wrong?"

I wipe the tears from my face. "My mom kicked me out," I tell her, "I’m so sorry Anne but I have nowhere else to go"—

"Come inside," she interrupts me, hurrying me in, "you can stay here tonight."

"Thank you so much," I say, "I’m so sorry for showing up like this."

"Don’t be. I’m here whenever you need me," she insists, "now sit down and tell me what happened." We go into the living room and Anne gets me a glass of water. I quickly explain everything that happened with Ryan.

At the end of the story she just shakes her head angrily. "I never liked him," she says, "I just knew he’d screw something up. I’ll talk to your mom tomorrow but for tonight you can sleep here. She needs some time to calm down." She stands up and helps me to my feet, probably sensing how weak I’m feeling. All of this walking around isn’t helping. I feel so sick; I really just need to go to sleep right now.

I follow Anne upstairs where she motions to the bedrooms. "Gemma’s room is free," she says quietly, "unless you want to sleep in Harry’s."

I look at the ground sadly, "Gemma’s room is great. Thank you so much." I begin heading over to the room when I think of something. "Anne?"

"Yes Kaelin?" she asks.

"Please don’t tell him about this?" We both know exactly who I’m talking about: Harry.

She gives me a sad smile, "of course not sweetheart, now get some rest."


The next morning Anne tells me she’s going to talk to my mom. She suggests I stay at her house while she does this. I awkwardly agree, though it feels so strange to have my ex-boyfriend’s mom helping me right now. She leaves to go to my house and I just sit in Gemma’s room, unsure of what to do. I get up and make the bed; making sure it looks like I was never here. I shut the door and head back down the hallway. On my way to the stairs I pass by Harry’s room. A harsh pain runs through me as I think of the last time I was in there.

I know I shouldn’t, but I turn the doorknob and poke my head inside. Harry’s things are just the way he left them. There are pictures on the wall; some are of us. I wonder if he’ll be taking those down the next time he comes home. He hasn’t been back for a while. I remember the photos I have on my wall in my room. I don’t think I have the courage to take them down or throw them out. Feeling invasive, I quickly back away and close the door. I head downstairs like nothing ever happened.

My mom and Anne show up here about an hour later. We are able to patch things up somewhat but I know my mom’s going to go right back to treating me like I’m nothing to her. That might be worse than her being angry with me. She tells me to come home and I do, but mostly because I have nowhere else to go. She doesn’t talk to me for the rest of the day and I don’t talk to her. She doesn’t say it again, but I know she still wants me gone. It’s almost summer time now; I guess I am leaving after all. I don’t know what I’m going to do with myself. I haven’t been focusing on university or anything because of everything that’s been going on in my life. I’m not going to school quite yet, that’s for sure. I never thought I’d be here at this point in my life. I have to leave; I have to go to London. That’s where the hospital is and Dr. Kinsley has upped my treatments each week.

When Briana comes home from her Aunt’s house I go over to her place. I tell her everything that’s going on. She’s furious about the whole situation just like I am. She says that she’s planning on moving to London this summer and that we could share a flat; mind you I’ll be in the hospital pretty much every day by then anyway. We quickly decide that after this last year of school we’ll find a place to live. I made a decision myself that I will not look back here. There’s nothing left for me in this life. I have to find a new place for myself in London. The only things holding me down to this town are my mom and Harry; and now I’ve lost them both.


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