Chapter Twenty-Two

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I said it’d be a double update so here you are..:)


I spend the next day with Louis and Liam in London. They try their best to keep me occupied but the truth is I can’t wait to see Kaelin today. I don’t really know what we’re doing. I suppose we’re trying to be friends again, which is hard when I’m still in love with her. There are two issues with that statement: one is that I have a girlfriend, Kimberley, who I really don’t want to hurt. Sure she’s not the nicest person in the world but she’s been good to me. The second issue, which I must sound like a dick for caring about more, is that Kaelin is no longer in love with me. Last night it felt good to have her in my arms again but all the while I was wondering what she must be thinking. Did it feel the same way for her? Or was it simply two old friends finding each other again? I have no idea.

                “Harry,” I hear Louis say, “Are you thinking about her again?”

                I shrug, knowing I can’t successfully lie to him.

                “You’ll see her soon mate,” Liam says, “just relax for now, all will be fine. Trust me.” I do trust Liam. He takes good care of us and is always reassuring when we need him to be.

                Louis, on the other hand, is my best friend who enjoys tormenting me. “Hey Harry,” Louis starts, giving me a look that screams sass, “have you talked to Satan herself yet today? I’m sure she’s just sitting by the phone, waiting for your call.” Ah yes, he has his own nickname for my girlfriend which takes after the devil. How lovely. It’s no wonder they hate each other so much.

                I roll my eyes at his sarcasm, “shut up Lou.”

                “Oh, so I’m taking it that you haven’t? Does she know you’re here to see your ex-girlfriend?” he’s smiling, pleased with himself. He’s never liked Kimberley. He’s been telling me to break up with her since day one so I’m sure he just loves the idea of me lying to her.

                “I’ve got a great idea!” he exclaims, practically jumping in his seat, “you let us meet your devil girl, so will you introduce us to Kaelin? She sounds lovely. Well, anyone is lovely in comparison to Kimberley.”

                “Louis,” Liam says sternly, “you could at least pretend to like Kimberley.”

                Louis shakes his head, “I tried Liam. She’s horrible. Sorry Harry.”

                “Well she’s not that bad,” I say, knowing I should defend my girlfriend. Wow, ‘she’s not that bad’? I’m doing a pretty shitty job so far. “I mean, she’s...sweet...when she wants to be.” Even Liam doesn’t believe me. LIAM! Oh god that must have been a terrible lie.

                “Whatever you say,” Louis says with a smile. I just shake my head. It’s probably better I keep my mouth shut.

Around seven I begin walking to Kaelin’s flat. Liam wishes me luck for some reason and Louis gives me a very obvious wink. I just shake my head and tell them I’ll see them tonight. On my way to the building, I actually manage to catch up to Kaelin. She’s walking slowly and barely notices me when I sneak up on her.

                “Fancy meeting you here,” I say, catching her attention.

                She looks over at me, shocked for a second, before smiling. “Harry, don’t sneak up on me like that!” she hits my arm playfully, and I can tell how much difficulty she has doing it. Her voice is raspy and cracked and she seems to have to catch her breath every few steps.

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