Chapter Twelve

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Hi guyyyss!!! Sorry it took me forever to update :/ But I hope you all like this chapter!



Mine and Harry’s weekly family dinner is at some fancy restaurant tonight. I’m not completely sure why, but we have reservations and everything. I try to look nice. I wear a tight black skirt and a patterned blouse along with a pair of black heels. My long hair falls in curls over my shoulders and I apply some eyeliner and mascara.

When I start down the stairs I see Anne, my mom, Ryan, and Harry standing there waiting for me. Harry sees me and smiles. When I reach the bottom he kisses me on the cheek before looking me over. "You look..." he stares at me wide-eyed, trying to find the right word, "amazing."

I blush and lightly tug on the side of his blazer, "not as amazing as you."

He laughs and places his hand on my lower back, pulling me closer. "Well I have to disagree with you there," he says into my ear.

"Kaelin," My mom says sharply. We make eye contact and I swear her eyes are shooting daggers my way. Harry gently pulls away and settles for holding my hand and walking me out to the car.

The restaurant we arrive at has dim lighting and classy artwork on the walls. I feel a little out of place and underdressed. We’re seated at a large table with a fancy table cloth set on top. I sit next to Harry and across from Ryan; great. Ryan gives me a sarcastic little smile that makes me want to kick him in the face but I resist the temptation. My mom looks between the two of us. I think she senses the tension because she’s not pleased with me. Then again, she’s never pleased with me.

I’m pretty quiet throughout dinner. It’s easier to keep my mouth shut than watch everything I say in front of my mom. Besides, I’m not very good at speaking to a crowd. When the conversation turns to Harry, however, I do pay attention.

Anne is going on about some reality TV show that he should try out for. I ask her which it is and she replies "The X-Factor." I smile and turn to Harry who just looks embarrassed.

"I’d never make it," he says, shaking his head.

I roll my eyes, "Yes you would Harry, your voice is amazing."

"Thanks Kaelin, but there are millions of people out there with more talent than me," Harry continues.

"Well you’ll never know unless you try," Anne says.

I nod in agreement, "exactly, you should at least give it a shot." Harry just smiles at all of us like we’re crazy. He’s the real crazy one here. Of course he would make it on the X-Factor. The judges would have to be insane to say no to him. He has to try out.

A sudden selfish thought crosses my mind; if Harry makes it that means he’s going to leave for a few months. I don’t want him to leave. I’ve seen what time apart does to people. Take my dad and me for instance. He used to be my best friend and now we barely know each other. I shake away these thoughts. This is about Harry, not me. If he really wants this, which I’m sure deep down he does, he has to go for it. We’ll make it through; we love each other.

Regular dinner conversation quickly resumes and I keep quiet and pick at my food. I’m not feeling well today; my chest feels rigid, making it a little harder to breathe than usual. It’s not a horrible pain or anything; just a slight discomfort. I’m sure it will go away soon. Harry picks up on my odd behaviour and rubs my back.

"Are you alright?" he asks quietly as the rest of the table continues their conversation. "You’ve been so quiet tonight."

I nod and smile. "Don’t worry, I’m fine. I’m just a little tired I think." He smiles and tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. He’s about to say something when a server comes to our table and grabs our attention. In his hands is a chocolate cake which he promptly sets in front of my mother and Ryan. It’s pretty nice for something that will be eaten in a few minutes. It has swirls of icing and metallic sprinkles and on the top...oh no...on the top is a little black box.

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