Chapter Eleven

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Hii guys :) I tried to update fast for ayone who is reading this lol. Hope you like it :)


I watch Kaelin run out of the parking lot and disappear around the corner. I want to follow her and ask what the hell is going on but she was serious when she said she didn’t want to see me. Her face was wet with tears, her eyes red, and her full upper lip was trembling. I’ve never seen her so upset. The worst part was that there was nothing I could do.

                I quickly backtrack and remember exactly what she said to me. That I had done something to Heather? Oh God, what did she say to her? I run inside, back to the cafeteria. Heather and Mallory are just leaving. “I have to talk to you,” I say, gaining Heather’s attention, “Now.”

                Heather grins evilly, “What about?”

                “You know damn well what about,” I say through gritted teeth. I follow her to the nearest empty stairwell. She closes the door and turns to face me. Before she can say one word I ask “what the fuck did you say to her?”

                She grins like she’s pleased with herself, “I told her exactly what she needed to hear.”

                I glare, “and what was that?”

                “I told her about how you broke my heart,” she says, “I told her how you had sex with me and then never talked to me again!” Heather is angry now.

                I sigh, remembering exactly what happened between the two of us. Heather had a crush on me a little over a year ago. I was a complete asshole about it and wouldn’t give her the time of day. We were at a party one night and I was completely wasted. She was there, still partially sober, and kind of throwing herself at me. I shouldn’t have let it go any further than that but I did. When I woke up next to her in her bed I felt bad; I really did. I took her out for lunch that day; we went on a picnic because I remembered her telling me how she wanted to go. It was clear after only an hour that Heather and I would never work out. She’s not a nice girl. That still isn’t an excuse to completely ignore her after that though; which is exactly what I did.

                “Listen Heather I’m sorry for what I did, I really am,” I say, meaning every word, “but you can hate me not her. You have no right to upset her like that! What exactly did you say?”

                Heather crosses her arms over her chest. I can tell that a part of her feels sorry for what she said. “I already told you; I said you broke my heart, which wouldn’t be a lie.”

                “I broke your heart, huh?” I ask sceptically. She nods. I sigh, “Heather we were sixteen; you didn’t love me. You didn’t even know me. I was a complete dick to you and you have every right to hate me but don’t pretend it was anything more than one...mistake.” I try to speak softly but I’m afraid I was a little too harsh.

                Heather shakes her head, “you’re right Harry, but that’s not what Kaelin thinks,” she smiles vindictively. She’s such a bitch. “I hope she breaks your heart before you break hers.”

                “I would never do that to her,” I say, “I love her, now get out of our God damn business!” I leave before she has a chance to say another word to me.


I shakily unlock the door to my house and run inside. Immediately the tears I had been holding back come pouring down like a waterfall. I slam the door shut and slide down against it, sitting on the floor. My heart is racing uncomfortably like it had been in the cafeteria. I hug my body tightly together, trying to make the pain go away. When it doesn’t I stand up and run into the living room followed by the kitchen.

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