Chapter Twenty-Four

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HI GUYS :) I wanted to do a double update today so I could post these chapters at the same time. I think these might be my favourite chapters so far but I’m not sure…read it and tell me what you think. Also check out Harry on the side there…my god I nearly died ;)


                “...Harry’s girlfriend,” Kimberley stresses with a bitchy smile.

                I nod, “It’s nice to meet you...” I say warily, unsure of what else to add to the conversation.

                She barely acknowledges me, looking straight at Harry. He looks just as shocked as I feel. “Kimberley, what are you doing here?” he asks.

                Kimberley gives him a harsh smile that I’m beginning to think is her only smile. “Aren’t you happy to see me baby?”

                “I thought you had a photo shoot this week,” Harry responds, searching for an answer. Meanwhile, I stand here awkwardly. I wonder if they’d notice if I sneaked out the door.

                “I did,” Kimberley answers, “I just finished this morning and thought I’d come see you. I didn’t know you were having people over tonight.” She eyes me up like I’m some kind of deformed potato. My God, I’ve been in the same room with her for five minutes and already I can feel the bitch radiating through the room.

                “It’s not people,” Harry says, “It’s Kaelin, she’s a friend of mine.”

                I see my exit and I jump for it. “A friend that was just leaving,” I say quickly, “it was great catching up with you Harry. Gotta go now, see ya.” I don’t give him a chance to protest or even say bye. I just head for the door. It’s not fair to Kimberley that I’m here. What am I even doing here? I came back to his hotel room, what the hell was I thinking? Even if nothing was going happen I wouldn’t want to piss off Kimberley. In all fairness they are dating. If Harry’s happy with her I need to happy for him.

                Just as I’m closing the door behind me I hear Kimberley say, “Now we can have some fun Harry!” I unintentionally slam the door behind me. She was obviously saying it loud enough for me to hear. Like I give a shit about when those two finally get to fuck each other. I storm to the elevator only to realize that I do care. I really care. My feelings for Harry are really screwing with my head. Sometimes I wish I could just stop loving him; things would be so much easier that way.

                The elevator door opens only to reveal Niall standing inside. He smiles when he realizes it’s me and quickly steps forward to give me a hug.

                “What are you doing here?” he asks curiously.

                I shrug, “Harry and I were just”— I stop when I see his face; his eyes are wide and he’s trying not to grin. I smack him on the arm. “Not that Niall! Get your head out of the gutter would ya?”

                He laughs, “Sorry Kaelin, can’t help it.”

                I smile and shake my head before continuing, “Anyway it doesn’t really matter. I’m going now.”

                “Well how come? You should stay!” he insists.

                “I don’t think Kimberley would like that much,” I reply quietly.

                Niall’s smile drops, “oh, she’s here is she?”

                I nod before patting him on the shoulder, “good luck.” I quickly head into the elevator before he can tell that I’m upset. He’ll think I’m pathetic, pining after my ex-boyfriend who’s in another relationship. We smile at each other as the elevator doors close. I let out a long sigh and rest my head against the cold, shiny wall. I try to keep it together long enough to leave the hotel. If I can just get home I can finally curl up in my bed and try to forget about all of this.

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