Chapter Twenty

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Hellooo everyone :) So I'm super excited for you all to read the next few chapters!! Enjoy this one! :) This chapter is dedicated to iloveupiggy! She's an amazing fan and writer :) Definitely check out her work including One Direction Loves Me? It's amazing! :) Thank you so much lovelies! x


I go to my mom’s house that weekend for my dress fitting. The drive felt long and I nearly turned back a few times. The thought of going back to see my mom twists me stomach into knots. What if she’s not happy to see me? What if the only reason she invited me was because Anne told her to? I swore to myself I’d never come back yet here I am, pulling into my familiar driveway. I kill the engine and just sit here for a few minutes, preparing myself.

                With a sigh, I finally open the door and head inside. I’m surprised to find about twenty people in the house. They’re all family and close friends of my mom’s. I get a greeting and a hug from everyone I pass on my way to the kitchen. That’s where my mom is. She’s putting some cookies on a plate next to five other ladies including Anne.

                “Hey,” I greet them awkwardly, giving them a little wave.

                “Kaelin!” Anne exclaims excitedly, immediately wrapping me up in a hug.

                I smile, “Hi Anne, how are you.”

                “I’m great, how are you sweetheart? How is London?”

                I grin, “I’m alright, and London is amazing.”

                The next thing I know my mom is giving me a hug. “Kaelin, honey, I’m so glad you could come.”

                I smile, “I wouldn’t miss it mom.”

                She grins, “Alright well get ready. We’re heading over to the bridal shop for the bridesmaid fittings.”

                There are ten of us altogether in the bridal shop. The consultant has us try the dresses on three at a time. I’m up first. I strip down in the fitting room and slip the yellow dress over my head. It’s really pretty; it’s a light yellow colour with a white sash tied around the waist. It’s simple but just enough for a wedding. Unfortunately it looks absolutely terrible on me. I hadn’t realized how much weight I’ve lost until now. I’m drowning in the mass of extra material.

                I leave the fitting room to find five disapproving looks waiting for me. “That’s not going to work,” my mom says to the seamstress, “it has to be taken in.”

                The seamstress nods and begins pinning the dress, telling me to stand still. “You’ve lost so much weight Kaelin, have you been eating alright?” Anne asks in concern.

                I quickly nod, “Yeah, I guess it’s just from being so busy. I’ve been running around a lot and I’ve been so busy I guess I’ve missed a few meals.” Lying to cover up my condition has become a habit now; I barely have to think about it anymore. The seamstress finishes with the pins and finally allows me to change back into my regular clothes.

                I come out of the change room and take a seat beside my mom on the sofa. Everyone is talking about the wedding and the cake and the dress, etcetera, etcetera. Eventually I tune them out and begin skimming a gossip magazine off of the table. I’m not much paying attention to anything I see until I flip the page to a familiar face. Dozens of pictures of Harry are sprawled across two pages titled “Harry Styles’ Fan Girls.” I swear to God there are at least ten pictures of him forking his tongue down different girls’ throats. My eyes skim the article that basically tells me what I already see; Harry has had no trouble getting girls in his bed. I have no right to jealous; I broke up with him. But I am jealous. I’m jealous and angry and sad all in the same horrible moment. Suddenly I don’t regret not calling him back.

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