Chapter Thirty: She's Everything...

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I updated quicker this time!! Yayyy for meee...anyway I hope you like this chapter!! :D


Harry was serious when he said we’ll have to be sneaky. The doctors and nurses will not let me leave and getting out is nearly impossible. If I didn’t know any better I’d think this place is a high-security penitentiary. I end up having to wear Harry’s jacket and a beanie just to escape my floor. We finally make it downstairs where we have to pass Helen. I can tell that she recognizes me right away. She gives me this look before purposely going back to typing on the computer keyboard. I sigh in relief before looking up at Harry. He grins and takes my hand as we scurry right out the front exit.

We’re laughing as we escape to the parking lot and find Harry’s car. There are some people we didn’t manage to avoid, however, which are Harry’s bodyguards. They give us an angry look when they meet us at the car before one of them rolls his eyes and they all jump into a separate vehicle. I can’t help but laugh. I’m beginning to get used to those guys.

Harry asks me where I want to go and I tell him my flat so I can grab a change of clothes. Once we arrive I realize it feels like it’s been a long time since I’ve been home. We head upstairs into the empty apartment. I drop my keys in their usual place on the table and head straight for my bedroom. Harry follows and sits on my bed as I rummage through my drawers for something to wear. I pull on a pair of skinny jeans and a blouse that I quickly realize I hate. I pull it off and toss it aside before going back through my drawers. I’m getting frustrated when suddenly I find something that I nearly forgot about.

I stand up and grin as I hold Harry’s sweater up between the two of us. "Remember when we traded shirts the day you left for X-Factor?" I smile at the bitter-sweet memory.

Harry smiles too, "Of course I do. I can’t believe you still have that!" he pauses for a moment before blushing, "I still have your Ramones t-shirt..."

I bite my lip to hide my smile. "I always wondered what you did with it. I think I saw a few pictures of you wearing it. I told you it was your size."

He laughs, "It still looks better on you."

We smile at each other before I hand over his sweater. "Well I guess it’s time I give this back to you," I say, handing it over.

Harry stands up and takes it as he comes closer to me. His big hands wrap around my bare stomach as he leans in to kiss me briefly. After pulling away he plants one soft kiss on my chest before bringing his eyes to mine. He pulls the sweater around my body, "Keep it baby," he murmurs, "We’ll trade back another time." I smile before pulling the warm thing on and smiling up at him.

We quickly decide we’re ready to go although I’m not sure where exactly. When we show up at the park we went to on our first date I’m absolutely ecstatic. Harry picks a bench in the very middle of the park. We’re surrounded by trees, grass, and flowers; no white hospital walls. I smile at Harry thankfully before taking a deep breath. For the first time in nearly two weeks the world smells real and not artificial or sanitary. It’s nice. I wish I could stay here longer.

Harry smiles back at me before pulling me onto his lap. He hugs his arms around my stomach and rests his head on my shoulder. I sigh contently and let him keep me warm in the chilly weather. We sit like that for a few minutes before Harry kisses my neck, giving me goose bumps. "I love you," he whispers into my skin. His warm breath tickles my neck and I sigh shakily, all the while being thankful that there’s no one around right now.

"I love you too Harry," I whisper back. I take his hand, which is on my waist, in my hand and hold it for a couple of minutes. Harry gently kisses the exposed skin on my shoulder, making me shiver. I grimace a little before shifting myself off of his lap and onto the bench next to him.

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