Chapter Two

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Here's Chapter Two and Three! Enjoy! :)



It’s been two weeks and I’m beginning to settle into my new home. Mom was right about it not being that bad here, well, with the exception of one particular person. That one person is coming over for dinner tonight along with Anne and Gemma. My mom invited them now that she and Anne are practically joined at the hip. The two of them have joined some community organization that plans local events. It’s not really my mom’s kind of thing if you ask me, but she seems to enjoy it so I don’t ask questions.

I personally invited Briana hoping she will take my mind off of Harry for the evening. As much as I don’t like him I can’t help but pay him attention. He’s incredibly distracting. Even when I’m fuming over him he’s still on my mind. I just can’t get him out of my head.

Briana is here before anyone else. She’s all smiles as she greets me with a hug and hands me a dish that she brought. It’s amazing how close we already are. She treats me like her best friend.

I’m putting her dessert in the kitchen when the doorbell rings. I purposely take longer than I need to so that my mom will answer the door instead of me. Briana pokes her head around the corner to see our guests who I just happen to not have told her about. She gives me a surprised look. "Oh my God, Harry is your dinner guest?"

I nod and roll my eyes simultaneously, "yep. He’s my neighbour. Do you know him?"

She shrugs, "I’ve never talked to him or anything but we’ve had the same classes for the past five years."

"Well you’re not missing much," I mutter just as Harry and Gemma walk into the kitchen. Gemma kindly asks if they can help with anything but I insist they sit down at the table. Briana, too afraid to sit alone with them, stays with me and helps plate the food.

Dinner isn’t nearly as awkward as I thought it was going to be. My mom, Anne, and Gemma are sharing a bottle of wine which is assisting in interesting conversation. I’m sitting next to Harry and across from Briana. I’m surprised how easily she’s talking to all of us, especially Harry. I kind of got the impression that she wasn’t a big fan of his.

"So, how are the two of you doing in school?" Anne asks Harry and me, making it sound like we’re friends or something.

"Fine," I mutter, trying to smile.

Harry gives me a smile that takes just as much effort before agreeing. "Yes, it’s great." I have to restrain myself to keep from scowling at him. That grin of his is ridiculously perfect; I can barely stand it. The tension between us is so thick you could cut it with a knife. To escape it I excuse myself to the washroom.

I take a while fixing my hair and splashing cold water on my face; anything to pass some time. When I finally decide it’s better to just get it over with, I head downstairs. I’m surprised when I nearly slam into Harry who is on his way up.

"Whoa," I mumble, stopping myself. "What are you doing?"

He shrugs, "you were taking a while. Your mom told me to call you down."

"Well, here I am," I say in a sarcastically enthusiastic voice.

Harry and I stare at each other for a minute. "Is there something wrong?" he asks suddenly, catching me off guard. His green eyes pierce into mine.

"What do you mean?"

"I feel like you hate me or something," he mutters, looking around.

"Harry," I say, "I don’t know you well enough to hate you." There, not a complete lie. "But we’re not exactly friends so I don’t see why you care..."

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