Chapter Twenty-One

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GUYS I CRIED MY FACE OFF WRITING THESE NEXT FEW CHAPTERS!!! :’( They probably won’t make you cry but I’m an emotional wreck so what do you expect lol. Not to mention I was listening to the saddest music ever so that might have set me off...anyway, I’ll let you get to it :) Enjoy :)

P.S: The song guys…oh my god it’s perfect and you have to listen to it :)


The paparazzi didn’t stop at the hospital. Oh no, they even showed up at my flat! For about a week I was practically stalked and asked every question there is to ask about Harry. I didn’t want to tell anything that wasn’t their business so for the most part I kept my mouth shut. Eventually they got all the information they wanted and finally left me alone. Thank god for that.

                Today I’m volunteering in the children’s wing at the hospital. I wanted to see Darcy again and bring her a gift. It’s not much, just a new colouring book, but I wanted to get her something. When I find Darcy and give her the gift she’s absolutely ecstatic. It’s a movie-based colouring book so I figured she’d love it. She colours in a few pictures before asking me to play a game with her. It’s a board game I’m not familiar with so she teaches me how to play.

                There, you got it,” Darcy tells me with a smile after my first turn.

                I grin, “Something tells me you’re gonna kick my butt at this game.”

                She giggles, “Maybe...we’ll see!” We’re playing the game for only a few minutes and already Darcy is bored and ready to move on to the next thing. I laugh at how little her attention span is and follow her over to the carpet next to a few other kids.

                Darcy asks me nicely if I can help her lift down the toy bins from the shelf. I smile, “of course.” When I try however, I find myself barely able to the lift the weight myself. Not because it’s heavy but because I’m weak. My muscles just want to give out every time I lift it an inch. I’m not expecting the sudden weakness and have to catch my breath. As I’m doing this someone lifts the box down for me.

                “Thank you,” I say, looking up to whichever nurse or doctor helped. My breath catches in my throat when I see the person. It’s not a doctor after all, it’s Harry. I stare at him wide-eyed like a deer in headlights. His green eyes are looking at me almost accusingly, but in a sad way, like I have a lot of explaining to do. Oh god, oh god, oh god, what do I do? Never have I thought in the past few months that I’d see Harry again. Ever. To be honest I thought I’d be dead and he’d have forgotten about me. Now what?

                I open my mouth to form a word but quickly snap it closed when I realize nothing’s coming out. “Kaelin,” Harry says, “can we talk?” The sound of his voice brings me back to reality and stops me from standing here like an idiot. Wow, I never realized how much I missed the sound of his voice until now.

                I nod my head, “Darcy, love, I’ll be back,” I mutter before heading straight out the door. Harry follows behind me. As soon as he shuts the door to the playroom I turn around to face him.

                “Harry what are you doing here?” I ask, shocked and upset all at once. How did he find me? Why did he come? All of these questions pile up in my mind; I don’t even know where to start.

                “Why didn’t you tell me?” he demands, disregarding my question. His eyes pierce into mine sharply as he awaits my answer.

                This isn’t how I pictured our reunion in my fantasies. I thought we’d catch up like normal people; I would be alright and so would he. We would both be happy and older and everything would be okay. “Harry I...I couldn’t,” I say, shaking my head, hoping he can understand.

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