Chapter Five

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Here's chapter five and i'll post chapter six today also. These are my favorite chapters so far but some even better ones are coming!! Please vote and comment it would mean a lot to hear what you guys think :)



The walk to school on Monday seems to take forever. I’ve been dreading this day since Saturday. Harry and I finally found some common ground that night. It was as if all of a sudden we both dropped our guards and actually got along. All weekend I’ve been worrying if we really are friends now or if that was just some strange plot twist before everything goes back to normal. I hope it wasn’t, because something about the two of us felt right. I just have this feeling that school will put us right back in our places. Harry will go back to ignoring me and making his friends laugh while I’ll sit there and try to avoid both him and James.

The thought of James twists my stomach in knots. I know I shouldn’t be afraid of him because he’s pathetic, but I can’t help it. He left bruises on my neck, arms, and legs; making me look like I got into a fight or something. All I can do is hope that he looks worse.

Briana meets me in first period. She informs me that most of the school already knows about what happened with James and me. I’m not surprised; after the scene Harry caused everyone would have been asking what happened. I’m just thankful that James didn’t get a chance to do anything worse to me. Briana asks me a strange question: "so why did Harry defend you like that?" It’s something I don’t even know the answer to.

I shrug, "he found me, I guess he just thought it was the right thing to do...I don’t know."

Briana shakes her head in disbelief. "Kaelin, nobody gets that pissed because it’s the right thing to do."

"Maybe it was just because our families are friends," I suggest, "he probably felt obligated to stand up for me." Briana smiles and shrugs; making it obvious that she doesn’t believe my theory. I leave it at that though, because I can only imagine what she must be thinking.

When chemistry comes around, Harry and I go back to our usual routine of ignoring each other. I take my seat and try to focus on the lesson instead of him. When the professor says that we will be doing a lab, I cringe. That means we have to pick partners and not a single person here will want to be mine. I turn to the boy beside me but he’s already talking to his friend.

With a sigh, I stand up and find a lab bench for myself. I’m sorting through the materials when Harry appears in front of me and leans his hands on the desk. "Hey Kaelin," he greets me, smiling.

"Hi Harry," I respond, wondering what he’s doing talking to me. I can feel the lingering stares of his friends from the other side of the room. They all must be thinking the same thing; why is Harry Styles talking to her, the girl who’s not worth the effort?

"Do you want to be my lab partner?" he asks, taking me by surprise.

I stare at him dubiously for a minute, sceptical of his motives. Finally I ask, "Harry, why are you doing this? I mean, you usually just ignore me." Immediately, Harry looks ashamed. His green eyes drop to the desk and he bites his lip uncomfortably. Oh great, now I’ve made him feel bad. "Sure," I give in, hoping he’s still up for it. His eyes come back to mine with a small smile. "You’re going to need me to help you get a good grade anyway," I joke, knowing how terrible I really am at this.

He grins, exposing his dimples, making me crazy. He really is perfect.

As it turns out, neither of us has a clue about chemistry. We have to read over every page at least twice to make sure we’re doing it properly. And yet, somehow, we still make a pretty good team. The only down side is that our work space is tiny, so we’re always bumping into each other. At one point we have to switch places. Harry places his large hands on my hips and gently moves me to the side as he goes behind me. His touch sends a chill up my spine that I can’t ignore. I let out a breath and blush a little. I blush even further when Harry notices and smirks at me. I try to play it off and roll my eyes, but I can tell he’s not convinced.

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