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~ Chapter 2 ~

WHAT WAS TAKING HER SO LONG? I'd been sitting at our rendezvous for a good ten minutes and Ashley was still not in sight. As people walked passed, they kept looking at me like I was a pile of trash that was just thrown onto the park bench. Honestly, that is exactly what I was. I was picking noodles off of me for god-sake. They had every right to judge me in silence but if only they knew why I did it.

To avoid making eye contact with everyone and not look like I was alone and miserable, I pulled out my phone and started to scroll through social media because that's what everyone my age did when they had no friends around, right?

"Guess who is back from her date?"

I looked up and there was Ashley walking in her red heels that went perfectly with her black outfit. The black denim jacket to go with the jeans with the red tank top tucked into her pants with her natural hair slicked back into a pony; Ashley was looking fine. She was also looking extra happy which meant that her date probably went well. I got up to meet her halfway.

"So your date went well huh?"

She linked her arm with mine as we walked. "Oh, my date was absolutely perfect! The place he took me to was amazing, he paid for everything and he was just a nice guy to talk to."

"Guess I'm winning that 200 dollars after all."

"Aha!" She removed her arm from mine. "In your dreams. My date was absolutely the worst. The place he took us to was garbage, I paid for the both us and yeah, he was a nice guy to talk to but he was too boring for me. All he wanted to do was have sex and I was not about it. If he wanted to get into these pants, he had to treat me to at least a five-star meal! He really thought he was getting some of this chocolate! Oh, did he think."

I laughed. "Well, I probably shouldn't be saying this but I'm actually relieved that your date went terrible because mine was terrible as well. Mine was probably worse than yours."

She chuckled as she looked me up and down. She then nudged me and said, "Is that why you look like shit?"

"Oh yeah. She wouldn't stop talking about herself throughout the whole date. It was all me this and me that and she was such a bitch." I flipped my hair and pretended that I was her looking into a fork. "I look so pretty. Who knew I could look this good in a fork? I bet you would look good in a fork too! You should see!" I got out of character. "Meanwhile, my fork was in my mouth where it was supposed to be as I chewed on my Chicken Alfredo. She didn't even eat. All she did was take cute sips of her water and took a nibble of food."

"And you paid for all that?"

"Oh hell no. She did. I was trying to be a bad date by getting messy, interrupting her while she talked and I even made a big scene about how overpriced the food was but she was able to look at the bright side of everything and it was so annoying. Like-" I got back into character. "Oh, my ex was a slob but you're a cute slob and oh, you're a broke bitch? Don't worry because I have money to cover us both!"

Ashley was wiping a tear from her face as she let out her window washer  laugh. I was so mad that I didn't even realize how funny I was but her laugh made me laugh. We were both sounding like window washers; you know the sound it makes when you spray it? Yeah, that was us.

"She did not say all of that?"

"She didn't but it was close enough."

Ashley caught her breath and for a minute she gained composure but then she started laughing again and I couldn't help but join in.

"Okay, I'm done!" She said for the fifth time. "I'm seriously done. My stomach hurts."

"Man, I just want a date to go well for once," I said.

"Me too, to be honest. Your dates are usually not that bad. Mine are always bad."

"That's true. You usually do a decent job of finding someone for me."

"I think you just suck because the last girl I liked. You two would've been cute but for some reason, she just wasn't your type."

"Yeah, I just wasn't really feeling her vibe, y'know?"

"Her vibe was literally the type of vibe anyone could feel but your ass was the only one who couldn't feel it."

I just shrugged. There was not much left for me to say; she wasn't my type.

A guy ran past us with sweat pouring down his body. His white muscle shirt was drenched with sweat and you could see his nipples and abs through it. He even wore grey sweats which I knew was Ashley's favorite. I watched as she checked him out and she just watched him as he ran off. She then turned to me smiling.

"Damn, he was fine! Don't get me wrong, I like chocolate men but light skinned guys make me feel some type of way."

"You're such a whore."

She punched my arm. Her boney knuckles pierced through my skin and jabbed right into my muscles; she gave me a frog. "Oh, so when you look at girls and drool over them, you're not?"

I rubbed my arm. "Ow, I'm sorry. I was just joking."

She sighed. "I know. My bad." A smirked appeared across her face. "What if I hooked you up with a man with a really big dick?"


"Like the man we just passed. He was hanging!"

"Ashley, that would be nice but there's just one itsy bitsy problem with that; I'm not gay."

"I know but what if I actually did that to you?"

"I would probably hate you for the rest of my life."


"Try me."

Okay, Maybe I'm A Bit Gay Where stories live. Discover now